Saturday, July 3, 2010

New Looks and Happenings

Tanner has started eating solid foods. We've only tried a handful of times. Some days he hates it but one time he couldn't get enough of it. We aren't in too big of a hurry to start into that mess. We already have two kids that are horribly messy eaters.

Tanner has rolled over twice, but hasn't been consistent about it. He doesn't seem to be able to control is very well yet so I haven't counted it really. He is so close. He'll get 90% of the way over and then flip back over.
So much for getting a cute family picture. The kids wouldn't hold still for me to get a picture of the four of them together. I thought this one was a pretty typical picture of my kids. Kate and Nathan tend to have a love/hate relationship (yes, she is trying to punch him in the back), Nathan can't hold still for a minute, hence the reason he is bailing off the couch and Liza can't stop smothering her adorable baby brother.
Tanner loves to suck on his hands. Not just one hand, but both at the same time. He is a double fister. It is so funny because sometimes he gags himself while doing it.

Kate fell asleep under Tanner's crib. He isn't even sleeping in their room right now, but the crib is still in there. Katelyn hardly ever even takes naps anymore, but on this day, she crawled under the crib and fell asleep. I was completely baffled when I went to check on her and couldn't find her. I couldn't figure out where she would have gone. Funny girl.
Eliza had strep throat and was such a trooper about it. She loved all of the movies she was allowed to watch ALL DAY LONG.
Nathan and Tanner have had a few encounters that have actually ended without Tanner crying. Yay!!! Nathan just loves this little guy, he's just a little rough with him.
Daddy did Nathan's hair and I LOVED IT! How studly is he! He kept walking around with his hand up telling us not to touch it (in his own mumbled way of course).
Eliza had a bad reaction to amoxicillin. She broke out in hives all over her legs and parts of her arms. Her knee got it the worst. This is after two days off of the amoxicillin or "moxi" as Liza nicknamed it. Who nicknames medicines? She is extremely creative. She was on three different prescriptions this week and once again has been such a trooper.
Nathaniel is letting his beard grow out until he takes the bar. It is his bar beard. He is going to get a haircut and shave the day before he takes the bar. Tanner loves to grab at it. It is so cute when he sits there and plays with it. I had to get a picture of him doing it.

1 comment:

Brynn said...

Tanner is adorable!!!! I can't wait to hold him!!!!