Saturday, July 3, 2010


Eliza had a birthday on the 4th of June and Nathaniel on the 15th of June. Unfortunately, we have been a little busy and didn't do too much. I still thought it would be fun to post the pictures though. I can't believe Eliza is 5! She starts kindergarten next month. Where has the time gone?
This is Nathaniel's birthday brownies instead of a cake. He told me that after a certain point you stop using the actual number of candles. It took us forever to light them all. They were half melted all over the brownies by the time we were done. I think he's right. We'll have to pass on that for my birthday before we burn down the house.
He did however blow every one of them out in one try. He can't be too old yet if he can still do that.
Pictures are in backwards order for Eliza's birthday. Daddy helping Eliza with the cake.
Eliza cutting her cake. This was my super easy approach to making a cake. I asked her what she wanted for a cake and she said a princess castle and I was dreading it, but then she changed her mind to a rainbow and I was thrilled. That is super easy to make. What a good kid. Super easy to please. She loved it.

I love the look on her face as she blows out her candles. You can almost see how much she wants her wish to come true.
What a beautiful girl and growing up too fast.


Brynn said...

Can you believe our "babies" are going to Kindergarten in a few months. I am still in denial....

Brynn said...

Happy Birthday Eliza!! We can't wait to see you soon! Love, Dane & Neve

Joanna said...

Very sweet, love the cake, looks like she did too!