Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ely Here We Come!

Nathaniel got a job offer yesterday from Ely, Nevada! We are so excited to have this opportunity and join the 4,000 residents of Ely. I miss small town life and am happy to introduce my children to it. Nathaniel will be doing a year long judicial clerkship and he is excited about it. What a relief this is for us. Life is just really great right now. A healthy perfect baby and a job for my husband. It's been a good week!


Danielle said...

Oh I'm so glad you heard back! Not knowing, your future unknown.... Yeah for small towns!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

What???? I thought the scriptures said, "ask and ye shall recieve." There must have been more prayers asking for the opposite of what I was asking for. =)

hey, not that I'm not happy that Nathaniel got a job but couldn't it have been in Tucson?!!!! J/k
We're excited for you. Yoohoo
Ely will now be, Population: 4006.
And yes you will LOVE small town life I guarantee it. I'm going to make you brake the news to Hallie however, I'm not doing it! =) LOVE Ya

Kelsey said...

Congrats on both your good newses! (Hmm... newses... is that a word???) Tanner is a cutie! Hooray for healthy babies! Boo for lousy hospital experiences. And wahoo for a job! When do you guys head to Nevada?