Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Pictures and Updates

I can't believe how fast time flies. This little guy is changing so fast. He is so fun to have around. I love this stage when they are so happy to sit and snuggle. Holding a sleeping baby is one of my favorite things. Sleep is another one of my favorite things and since I don't usually get to enjoy both of them at the same time, I am trying to soak in all of the cuddling I can right now. Soon enough he will be too active to want to snuggle all day. My babies always outgrow me rocking them to sleep around 3 or 4 months and just want the crib when they are tired. With each child I try to keep them a baby for longer. There are fun things about every stage your child is in, but there is something magical about babies.
Tanner only sleeps in his carseat. I don't mind as long as he sleeps. Especially this week since Daddy is gone in D.C. for a moot court competition. He left on Thursday at 5:45 in the morning and his flight just got pushed back a day due to the snow back east so now he flies in on Monday at 9:30 at night. I am pleased with how well things are going here. I was dreading having him gone, and although I miss him, I am holding up rather well. This morning at breakfast I was holding Tanner and pouring the milk in Eliza's cereal and she said, "Mom, you are doing a good job doing this all by yourself." I said, "Thanks." Then I wondered what she meant exactly. I asked her, "Doing what all by myself, getting your breakfast?" She said, "Everything! Especially loving your children." She sure made my day. I was worried how it would go with a 3 week old baby, no sleep, and stir crazy kids since we don't venture out much. I have been blessed with energy and patience and good weather for the kids to play in the backyard so overall we are managing just fine. Nathaniel sprained his ankle playing basketball the night before he left. We had to go buy crutches for him since he couldn't put any weight on it. As he was hobbling out the door, I felt sorry for him instead of me since he had to get around the airport (thank goodness he had JD on the same flight to help him) and then D.C. with is luggage and crutches and then get up in front of a bunch of judges and present his brief which he felt under prepared for. All in all I was thinking being home with my four kids was looking easy at that point.
I am trying to be better about tummy time than I was with Kate since she ended up wearing a helmet to reshape her head so it wasn't flat.
Look at that smile! Nathan loves his younger brother but doesn't know how to interact with him yet. He is a little rough with him. I am always trying to protect Tanner from being poked in the eye, bitten, thrown off of the couch, etc. I am convinced Nathan isn't trying to be mean, he just loves Tanner too much and doesn't know how to play with him yet.
Tanner certainly has the Richards hair. It is straight and stands on end. (I love that Nathan is pointing to it.) I guess his name suits him since my brother Tanner has the same skin tone and hair as my baby Tanner. Hopefully he can grow up to be just as likeable and fun as my brother.
Tannerboy after his first shower. I love it when they loose their cord so they can really be bathed.
My girls being silly after they got back from Nana and Papa's. The girls loved the relaxed attitude I had the first couple of days they were back. They got to wear their pajamas as much as they wanted and they didn't have to get their hair done. What more does a kid want?
All of my boys. I love the way Nathaniel looks in his hat. My boys are almost as cute as Daddy in it.
The handsome sleeping Tannerboy. Look at how perfect he is! I guess being his mother I might be a little biased. We are so glad he is here!


LoriAnn Grigg said...

He is soo cute. I'm glad you're holding up well. You are such a trooper. Give me a call if you need anything! I'm a little limited w/o a car but I can always find a way.

Laurel said...

What a perfect baby. He is beautiful. I can't believe how GROWN UP Nathan is. It's been a while since you put up new pictures of him. It's fun to see what's going on in your world.

Joanna said...

Hr is super handsome, you have a darling family! Thanks for posting more pics! I love being able to keep linked to your life through your blog!