Friday, January 8, 2010

Not Your Normal December Activities

We enjoyed feeding the ducks and riding bikes during Dec. It was extra nice since Daddy was able to join us with his classes being over. This day at the park the ducks were particularly hungry and there were at least a hundred ducks that came flying in from all over the pond. Nathaniel and I always get a kick out of watching the birds fight over the bread. It was really fun. Then the kids decided it was equally fun to chase the birds...poor things.

The girls finally wanted to ride the two wheeler with the training wheels. They have always thought it was too big for them and never gave it a real try. They always fought over the red Dora bike. They were so proud of themselves when they figured out how the pedal the "big kid" bike. I was too. Nathan is really attached to the Dora bike and if the other kids try to ride it he usually gets pretty ticked off. We are lucky to have such a huge driveway for the kids to ride on. It's perfect.

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