Tuesday, August 18, 2009


With every pregnancy I get different cravings, which I think is normal for most women. With my first pregnancy I wanted gluten- in forms of Top Ramen, Saltines, Pizza, Bagels, etc. You name it and if it was something I wasn't supposed to have, I wanted it. I actually broke down and cried (pathetic, I know) and then ate a bagel and pizza one night and then wanted to die as I hovered over the toilet for the next 3 hours. Another time it was lemonade. I am not usually a lemonade fanatic, but it always sounded good and hit the spot. With Nathan I wanted meat, and lots of it. For Thanksgiving I didn't care about anything other than the turkey and ham...okay, I did care about other things, just not nearly as much. With this baby grapes, clementines, and recently steak fries are my favorites. I have also discovered that I get headaches when I eat sugar. Not every time I eat it, but frequently. My doctor says just to stay away from sugar...yeah, 'cause that's easy! I don't think he understands my love for sweets. I may not be able to have gluten, but until now I could have 90% of the things in the candy aisle. Let's just say this is probably a blessing in disguise and hopefully I'll stick to it and be able to lose the baby fat I am gaining quickly after the little one is born...we'll see.


Laurel said...

I love the new quotes on the side. So funny!!!
When I was pregnant with Kale, anything lemon scented was like a drug to me. I would make my own lemon scented lysol wipes and look for things to clean just to be able to smell them. Remember the lemonade ice cream dessert? I wanted it all the time! Just between you and me (and everyone else reading this comment), I packed some of those lemon cleaning wipes with me to go to the hospital. I thought they would help me during labor. Ha!!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Cravings are the best part about being pregnant well besides the end result. =) I can't wait until I'm in that stage!! Stake frys huh, well you and Nathanial will have to leave the kids with us so you can go get a whole plate of stake frys.

LoriAnn Grigg said...

okay I'm an idiot it's spelled steak fries. Wow, I need to go back to school.