Monday, August 24, 2009

Tender Mercies

I love to hold my babies while they sleep...the only problem is that they only sleep while they are in their beds, not my arms. The other night Nathan woke up crying, probably because of his molars that are cutting. I went in and couldn't resist just giving the rocking a try. He fell right asleep in my arms and I just melted. I was soaking up every minute of it. I told myself I was going to rock him until he woke up and wanted to be back in his bed. Well he actually slept for more than a few minutes, so I fell asleep too. Nathan moved a little in my arms and woke me up and my neck was a little kinked so I put him back in his bed. I just love those moments when life slows down and everything seems perfect for a time. Nothing gets better than snuggling a sweet sleeping child...except for maybe that caramel popcorn that they were selling at Costco on Sat. It's a toss up.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

AMEN!!! I guess I need to try that popcorn if it's that good.