Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kate's Birthday! (Just a little late)

I love Kate's facial expressions. This is her opening her presents first thing in the morning. Her birthday was July 13th.
She had a little help with the opening. Eliza and Autumn were right there to help her out. It must run in the family to love to open presents, huh, Nanc! I'm kidding, every kid (and Nancy) loves to open them.
Our picnic at the zoo. It was so stinkin' hot that we were all sweating just sitting there in the shade. Luckily the kids didn't care and had a great time.
The kids love the spouting frog and had to have a few minutes in the water before moving on. Eliza ended up moving on SOAKED.
This is my personal favorite at the zoo. I love to watch the polar bear swim. We were standing right behind the glass and watching him make laps right in front of us. It was so cool!
They were adorable sitting on the elephant statue right before we left. They girls had so much fun together. What a bonus for Kate's birthday to have Autumn here.
We went up to the sprinkler park for Kate since that is what we did for Liza. She wanted to do the same things. It was a little busier that day, but it didn't slow the kids down. They had a blast. Nathan was a little maniac. He was running around like crazy and kept running into things since he wasn't watching. One time a bucket of water dumped on his head and it didn't slow him down. Funny boy!
Megan and JD came over since they are part of the family and gave Kate a cute princess sticker book. The 3 girls had soooo much fun using it that night. The older girls thought they really lucked out with Kate getting that gift.
The cake and the fake blowout of the candles. She was too quick for the real shot...I missed it.
The birthday girl. I can't believe how big she is already. Where does the time go? She is so much fun and really keeps us laughing. She is such a blessing to us and I couldn't love her more.

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