Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yuma for the weekend

We went to Yuma last weekend for a little fun with Nana and Papa and, of course, the cousins. I always love going because it isn't far (4 hours) and we get to see so much of Nathaniel's family. His parents are so fun with the kids and Becca, Elizabeth, and Matthew were all there to play with as well. Nancy and Quentin live just a few minutes down the road so we spend hours playing there as well. It is really handy when your sister-in-law happens to be your buddy from college. I tell you, that really worked out in our favor. The kids swam and swam. Kate was more timid of the water than I thought she would be, but if she were given time she would be back up to her skill level and then some from last summer. Eliza was a little fish. I couldn't believe it. She saw her cousins (who are quite the swimmers) and wanted to do everything they did. She was jumping off the diving board and swimming to the side and trying all kinds of things. They weren't complicated things, but last summer she didn't even want her face under water. She would tip toe around the shallow end of the pool with her nose barely above water, but she didn't want to go under at all. This was a huge jump for her and I was quite proud.
In the picture above, she wears this towel ALL of the time. She calls it her "hair", her princess hair. The problem is, when she takes it off her real hair is a matted mess. I hate it so much that Nathaniel and I had to hide them. I hope she forgets about them soon and they stay gone!
Kate wore these around for a while and I thought she was so stinkin' cute! She is such a character. She has gotten so chatty lately that people just love listening to her little voice as she goes on and on and on. It is entertaining and humorous. What a sweet little doll!
Way to make Daddy proud! Ever since this baby was born at 9lbs. 2 oz. Daddy has been gearing him up for football. We were at Nancy's house and Bubba walks in to the toy room, grabs the football and takes off running with it. I was so excited I had to call Nathaniel in to see it. He is growing up sooo fast.
This is Nathan with his cousin, Quentin (who is also a junior). My junior is a little less "junior" if you know what I mean ;)! Look at those thighs, I love them! I am afraid that now that he is walking they will start to disappear. Bummer!


LoriAnn Grigg said...

Oh, I hope he doesn't loose his thighs that would be sad. Having family around sure is a blessing.

Laurel said...

Don't worry - I never lost my chubby thighs and I walk all the time. Maybe he'll take after me :)