Thursday, May 7, 2009

Girls, Girls, Girls!

Megan and I went out on Saturday to run some errands together. One of the places we went was to Costco. I wanted to look at the girls dresses, and WOW! they had some cute ones. This dress was one I couldn't pass up. It is reversible. Megan convinced me it was the only responsible thing to do to buy matching dresses and have Eliza wear one side and Kate the other side. I agreed. Everyone needs a Megan. She is the best!
Eliza and Kate were getting carried away hugging and they fell over and then Eliza had to kiss Kate. It is hard to resist. She is so sweet.
Kate has the best facial expressions! They looked adorable...which was good because they were rotten for church. My uncle always told us it was more important to be beautiful than smart. I just hope the people in church thought that it was more important to be adorable than obedient! At one point I got up to leave with Nathan and I motioned to have Kate join me in the hall. Eliza saw me motioning and she thought I was talking to her. Kate saw us leaving and started yelling, "Mommy! Mommy!" as she crawled under peoples feet to get out of the bench to me. I wasn't sure if I should be horribly embarrassed or just laugh at the scene we had just made. Oh well!
Eliza is the kid in the ward that everyone knows. I don't mean that in a negative way, she just gets noticed. Sometimes it is because she can't whisper and the ward members hear her say, "I don't want to sit by Mom!" Or because when the primary children sing, she stands there and doesn't move her lips to sing, likewise when it is time to sit down she doesn't move. She has to have someone prompt her to leave the front. She is infamous in primary for loudly contributing the most random things. For example, she told the ward I had a baby last week. Another time she told them she showers with me. (She does occasionally, but we wear swimsuits. A detail she, of course, didn't add.) This last Sunday it was during testimony that she was noticed. She went up with Daddy to bear her testimony and when Daddy prompted her to close, she said into the microphone, "I'm not done!" Everyone was laughing and I had several people mention it to me later. She is quite a character!
I love these little girls! They sure are fun to dress up!
Yes, that is a hug!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the dresses! And the girls, too, of course. I love Eliza stories. And Kate does have the best expressions.