Friday, May 1, 2009

Sweet-toothed Water Snob

Eliza is addicted to sugar (I have NO idea where she could possibly get that from!). This picture is from when my family was here and she lived off of slurpees for days. She loved Uncle Tanner's "chocolate" (brown) slurpees, but the red kind were more abundantly found. She asks for treats the instant she wakes up and doesn't stop until bedtime. Yesterday, I was praising Kate for eating her broccoli so well and out of the corner of my eye I saw Eliza with the "light bulb just went on" look and she started chowing down on hers as well, and then went to grab more. I quickly praised her as well and called her my" broccoli eating dinosaur" and she was so proud of herself that she asked if we could call Daddy to tell him about it. The child rarely touches anything that resembles vegetables. She hardly eats meals and then begs for food (aka candy) the rest of the time. We are working on the being healthy thing with her. Eliza is VERY particular about her water. She doesn't like water that has been left out overnight (even if it is a new bottle that was opened the night before), water that is out of certain water bottles or sippies because she says "it's gross", or out of Kate's water bottle. She will try several water bottles before she finds an acceptable one. I have to use cups all of the time now so that she knows it hasn't been sitting out so it can't possibly be gross yet. It was just so easy to have her get her own water bottle off of the counter, until she got picky. Seriously...she's 3!!!


LoriAnn Grigg said...

Her and Hallie are quite the pair. When I was reading this I thought, I was reading about my own child. I like the red mustache, it's a good look for her =) That's awesome about the Broccoli I can't wait until Adelaide is old enough to eat brocolli then I'll try the same tactic.

Laurel said...

I love that picture. I miss being down there. That was seriously the funnest weekend. It was fun to get to know your kids. Next time I'll come without Chelsea, so I can win Kate over.