Thursday, May 28, 2009

Puddle Splashin'

Just look at her face! Pure Delight!
Believe it or not, it does rain here in Arizona...and thank goodness. My kids LOVE to go out and play in the puddles. I went out to throw a diaper in the trash outside and Eliza ran out after me without her shoes on. I told her she could play outside if she put her shoes on. She went in and put shoes on, but they were Daddy's flip flops which were so funny to watch her try to keep on while she ran around and splashed. She kept leaving them behind. It's handy that it was still warm enough I didn't have to worry too much. Kate saw that we were outside and came running, even though she had no clothes on. She had spilled yogurt on her jammies and took them off. I just let her go. How often do we get to do this (besides monsoon season, I guess).

I love the look on her face and her hair flying in the air as she jumped. You can tell the shoes were giving her problems.


Danielle said...

Brings back memories! Puddle jumping at my house or on our way to seminary! So fun!

Joanna said...


Laurel said...

Remember puddle splashing the night before finals on our little brothers' bikes? I still laugh about that. But, hey... It worked. We both aced our finals!