Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not What You Wanted to Wake Up To...

My father-in-law drove a big truck over from Yuma on Friday with insulation and a blower in it to help us insulate our attic. We got up Saturday morning to find that someone had done this to his work truck (he works for a roofing and insulation company). The rock below is what was used to break the windshield. It is huge. You can tell by the size of the beer can next to it. The police came and took pictures and collected the can that was left behind, but we'll see if anything ever comes of it.
Luckily we were able to have someone come out and replace it so quickly that it wasn't much of a setback. The boys still got lots of work done and now I have 6, yes 6, working fans in my small house. It is SO nice! Thanks a ton, Dad!


LoriAnn Grigg said...

I still can't believe that someone had the nerve to do that. You know what they say, what goes around comes around. They'd better watch their back Ha.ha. ha (I'm laughing in my evil voice)=)

Laurel said...

I'm going to be selfish for a second and say... I'm glad that didn't happen to Chad's Charger rental car while we were there. That thing was a target if there ever was one.
I hate it when stuff like that happens. That totally stinks!