Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Know You're in Arizona When...

You are sweating BEFORE your workout.

You keep a spray bottle next to the bed to spritz periodically through the night.

Your baby wakes up from his nap wet from sweat.

You have to turn down the fan when the phone rings so you can hear the other person.

The water bottle left in your car burns on its way down your throat, but you have to drink it because you have already finished the other 4 cold ones you brought.

Your children run through the house naked because "naked helps us not to be hot".

It is 89 degrees in your house and it is only APRIL!!!

You try to think of meals that don't use the oven because it will cook everyone in the house.

We're still loving it here though. It's amazing what good friends can do for a place!


Brianne said...

Sold! Boy, oh boy, sign me up! Seriously, that sounds miserable to me...except for the running around the house naked part. I could get used to that!

Laurel said...

No wonder Brianne's busy sewing drapes tonight. She's really taken a liking to your kid's naked thing.

The Santini Stew said...

Amen, sista!