Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Dumbest Argument EVER!

This evening as Nathaniel and I were in the kitchen, Eliza comes to me distraught and crying because Katelyn had taken something from her. I asked her to use her nice words and ask Kate to give it back. I followed her to the family room and I heard her ask Kate for her glass slipper back (her princess dress up shoes). I looked at Kate's feet and then around the two of them and there were no shoes of which to speak. I asked Kate where the shoes were and she lifts up her bare foot. I said, "The shoes are pretend?" Eliza said, "Yes, and she took them from me!" Kate was holding her hand up pretending to be holding a shoe and Eliza grabs the "shoe" back from Kate, who quickly steals it back. This was quite humorous to watch as they both were mad when the air/shoe was taken from them. They both acted as though they really were being robbed of something. I told them they could both have glass slippers and "tossed new shoes" in each of their directions. They both seemed satisfied with that. Seriously, you had to come and get me for that?


Joanna said...

Two thumbs up for you for the creative fix!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

I dunno Tennille I'd be pretty upset if my sister stole my imaginary shoes too! =)

Laurel said...

I'm sure if you look in your closet, you'll find that you still have my imaginary glass slipper from when we were their same age. I've never forgiven you for that.

Kelsey said...

I love it! I'm seriously laughing out loud. :)