Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Things People Say

Mondays are movie days for us. Daddy has class until 7:30 so we go to Red Box and use our free code every Monday to get a movie for the kids. Well, a couple of days ago I loaded up the kids to head down to Walmart to get our free movie. I grabbed a cart that was next to the van and put Nathan in the front and had Kate and Eliza sit in the back. We were taking turns trying to tickle Bubba to make him laugh when a lady got out of her car next to us. She looked at me with wide eyes and said, "That cart's full of kids, isn't it?" I said (with a huge smile on my face), "Yeah, but not enough for us!" You should have seen the look on her face! She didn't know what to say, she was blown away. She said, "You want more?!" I said, "Oh yeah, lots more!" She was still trying to take in what I was saying and said, "How old are they?" I told her their ages and she just walked off and said, "Wow!" I only have 3, I'd love to run into her again later on it life...

On Sunday I had to take Eliza to the bathroom during Sacrament meeting and there were a couple of people in the hall chatting. I overhead a lady that was pregnant saying, "there going to be 17 or 18 months apart. Nothing freaky insane like 13 months apart!" I wanted to pipe in and say, "Yeah, I'm that freaky insane lady and I did it on purpose!" I wanted to see the look on her face, but instead I just smiled.


Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

Lol,,, yes there are those in life who are meant for big families and lots of kids, and then there are the rest of us :) hehe... Funny story :)

Laurel said...

So funny!! You know, I used to get more comments on my three kids than my four now. I think it is because my first three are so close together. Obviously there is a big break, so people finally realize my children were intentional, not just accidents.

Joanna said...

Hey wait a minute I thought it was a requirment of motherhood to be freaky insane????

Kelsey said...

I love Joanna's comment! I totally agree. I also love what the girl at church said... ummm, hello! Most of the world would still consider 17 or 18 months freaky insane. You just have to do what is right for you... I'm still trying to figure that out.