Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Never in my Wildest Dreams...

I had the best surprise this last weekend! I was at home anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Dad and sister when the car finally pulls up. I run outside and found my Mom sitting in the passenger seat of the car. I was so excited! This was going to be so much fun! We all go in the house after a round of hugs and a permagrin on my face. We were inside catching up when the doorbell rings. I go to answer it and through the security screen door it was hard to see at first who it was. I said "hi" without enthusiasm until I realized it was no neighbor or stranger looking to borrow eggs, but my sister Marlayne on the other side of the door. My enthusiasm quickly escalated! She came in and we were laughing and talking when the doorbell rings again a few minutes later. Brianne shows up all cute in her stylish hat. I said, "Oh, this is going to be so much fun, it's too bad Chelsea couldn't be here for this. It would have been a great sisters reunion!" Bri said Chels couldn't get away since she had so much going on with school, etc. A few minutes later Chelsea is ringing the doorbell. I really couldn't believe it! I kept thinking, it can't get any better than this...but it did. Next came Tanner. I have been pestering him to come to Arizona to visit me for a while. I haven't seen him much in years and we have always been close, so I was so happy he could come. I called down the street, "is there anyone else out here related to me?" I asked if Ben was coming next and Mom said, "yeah, like Benny is just going to up and leave Christina to come down. This really is it. The other guys couldn't come." A minute or two later, a nice blue Dodge Charger pulls into my parking lot and out walk Ben and Chad! Everyone but my brother Keith was here. My Mom didn't know about that surprise. She had the best look of shock on her face! It must have been what I looked like in between each person showing up. Someone asked me if I caught on and expected the others to show up after the first couple unexpected visitors came. I didn't. I just thought this is too good to be true. This can't really be happening. With each new person my excitement grew and so did my smile. Heaven couldn't have been nearer to me. I was absolutely blown away! This was the best surprise EVER!!!

We did some really fun things. We went to Sabino Canyon and had a picnic lunch and a great little hike. We didn't go the right way at first so only those that stayed behind had the really great views, but we still had a fun time. How can you not when you are with your favorite people?
We always have to get a picture of the sisters. My best friends in the world!
Here is the Richards crew that was able to come. We missed you Keith! Thanks a million for all of you coming! I woke up this morning and everyone was gone and it was almost like it was just a dream...except I found about eight slurpee cups in the garbage, so I know this dream was real!!!
I'll have to post more pictures later of our excursion to Mexico! I have discovered the recipe for the best time ever, here it is:
15 people
6 surprise visitors
Less than 1200 Sq. Feet
80 degrees in the house (maybe more)
10 lbs gained
and 300 SLURPEES!


LoriAnn Grigg said...

No Way!!!!! That's like All of the holidays in one for you! I can't believe it! No wonder I didn't hear from you all weekend. =)!

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

MORE PICTURES!! I love looking at them!!!!!!!! How fun is that!?!!?!

Danielle said...

How fun! I haven't seen pics of you're family since I saw them last at your wedding! And slurpee's! Oh how I wish we had a 7 11 that was closer then 1 1/2 hours away! Can't wait to see more pics!

Laurel said...

I had the best time!! Memories I never want to forget! I'm still trying to recover from the lack of sleep, but it was SO worth it. I'm glad you were surprised. It almost slipped so many times.

Kelsey said...

Holy cow! That is the coolest story ever! So much fun. I love seeing the pictures of your family. It took me a second to figure out who Tanner was. I totally still think of him as being 13.