Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Man of Many Names

I forgot to tell a funny story about Nathan's birthday. We (the family and Santini's) were singing happy birthday to Nathan and it got to the part that says, "Happy Birthday dear ______" and I said Nathan, someone said Juner (that's what the girls have called him since day one since they didn't understand the Junior thing and it has stuck), and someone else said Bubba. It was so funny. He is also known as Juner Bug or Buggy (there are June Bugs down here and so that seemed to go together). I have always been big into nicknames, the only problem is that people that don't see him often don't know what to call him. Our close friends call him whatever comes to mind, just like we do. I have had several people ask me or my friends what to call him. Really, you can call him whatever you like. Nathaniel likes it when people call him Nathaniel, but honestly, he'll respond to just about anything!


Laurel said...

I think we were born into the nicknaming thing. Even our cars had names. I LOVE it when Matt calls me Laur.
Judd is something different for everyone in the family.
Matt - Dudley
Mom - Bubsy or Judders
Trevin - Juddy or J-U-D-D
Landon - Baby Judd (sounds like Baby Shudd)
Kale - Judd - a - Z-Z.
At least he's not Baby Dud anymore. I have to admit, I thought that was pretty cute.

LoriAnn Grigg said...

When ever I call Nathanial, Nathan. Hallie goes " No silly he's not Nathan he's Bubba!"

LoriAnn Grigg said...

oops I mean NathaniEl Jr.