Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jury Duty

Not me, the handsome husband. He loves it! You'd figure he was in law school or something. He told me he would learn more there than in his classes (that is if his buddies can get him the notes). It is only through Friday, so I didn't fight it. He loves to see his classes and training in action.


Laurel said...

Wow! I would HATE jury duty, I'm pretty sure. I guess I wouldn't mind participating, just worrying about what I'm going to do with the kiddos the whole time. I guess guys don't really have to worry about that too much.
P.S. I love your blog description under your title!! How clever! Don't we all feel that way...

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Man if he loves it that much, maybe we can work out a deal where he can serve for me too. Mine was postponed for another week. Is that allowed? can he take my place? I did't think so. too bad.

Kelsey said...

Sam was way excited for jury duty, too, but the week he got called up he was on a business trip. He was way bummed...Nathaniel's not the only weird one I guess!