Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yuma's 5K Runs

The City of Yuma has a series of 5K runs that start in October and go through March with one run a month.  February's run is really fun and the runners start out and the parade follows.  It's the big run here because Arizona Statehood day is Feb. 14th (maybe that's why my husband is anti-Valentines day?  It takes away from Arizona's Day?).  Last year I was pregnant and didn't do the runs.  Nathaniel got to run them for free since he is a Yuma County employee and they paid for their employees to run as a part of their wellness program.  This year they did the same thing so all employees and their dependents run for free.  So, we get to do them together.  We did another run back in May sponsored by Yuma County.  I really enjoy running with my theory.  I have only done it once.  That was the run back in May.  This time I started out with my friend, Tyrel, but she was just too fast for me.  I decided to slow down and take it at my own pace.  Tyrel and I run together on Tuesdays and Thursdays and we do a 3 mile loop.  We ran the night before and I finished the 3 miles in 27 minutes and 40 seconds.  Yes, I'm a nerd and I time us.  I finished the race in 29 minutes and 20 seconds.  It was a disappointment that I was slower, but then again it was 3.1 instead of just 3 miles.  Everyone always says you do better on race day because the adrenaline kicks in and you shave off a little time.  I don't do that.  I was never good on test day though.  Within minutes of finishing the race I started to have some seriously annoying allergy problems.  My nose started to hurt like it does when you have a sinus cold.  Then I started to sneeze a lot, my nose started to run, and my eyes were itchy, watery and painful.  For the next 2 days (all during General Conference) I had to have tissues in hand and my eyes closed because they hurt too much to open.  My eyes were red and swollen and I just looked horrible.  I went in Tuesday to the eye doctor and he gave me a prescription ($126 for one, luckily insurance paid for all but $25) that has helped.  He said it started out as allergy related and then went viral.  I never had allergies growing up, but since I started running a few years ago I have noticed that at some times of the year I have problems.  They usually clear up by the next morning though.  Now I have Allegra that I keep on hand just in case it happens again.  I really do like running.  I'm excited to see how the next few months go with the monthly 5Ks.  I hope I can shave some time off.

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