Sunday, October 14, 2012


 This is Kelsey during church.  (I know, it's totally inappropriate to take pictures at church.  Nathaniel was trying to keep Tanner quiet.  I use other methods.)  Her face is hilarious!  I feel like that during Sacrament meeting, too, trying to keep everyone sitting quietly.

When we moved into the ward we quickly learned about the candy man.  Every Sunday (except Fast Sunday) Bro. Ramsay pulls out his treats after church and passes them out to all of the kids (big and small).  Some people have thought at first that this was a little inappropriate for Sundays, but I don't think that opinion lasts long.  I think it is something that brings our ward together.  After church the kids flock to "the Candy Man!" and parents all get a minute to talk, mingle, and laugh before heading home.   I am sad to have our ward boundaries changing next week, but anyway you divide us, we still get the Candy Man!  Thank Heavens!!!   Although if rumors are correct, there won't be many kids to enjoy it in the future.  Our primary is going to be super small.  I don't know if I will still be in Primary (right now I'm the 1st Counselor and LOVE it), but I will be sad to see so many of these kids leave us when the ward changes. 
 See all of the kids with their hands cupped waiting for their turn.  This week it was gummy treats.
 In blue above is my Nathan.  Below, that lady holding the little guy is Tyrel, my running buddy.  She has the most amazing hair!

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