Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kelsey at 7 months

 I absolutely adore this little princess!  She is so beautiful.  She has lived in onesies for the first 7 months of her life and was introduced to pants this week.  That's what happens when you live here.  You don't have to wear pants for half of the year!  The weather here has finally turned nice instead of blazing hot.  She looks so cute with pants and shoes and her fancy bracelet.
 Kelsey wouldn't take a pacifier until she was 4 months old.  I kept trying to convince her to like it, but it wasn't until 4 months that she believed me and took it.  Every time I see her with it I think of that battle and how I won.  It's a small success, but sometimes as a mother, it's not so small.

 Her first time on swings.  The park we always go to doesn't have swings.  We decided we needed to  change it up and go to the castle park instead of our usual park.


Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

I am SOOOOOO jealous!!!!!!!!!!!! Kate is just almost 7 months and we have SO LOST the battle with a binki!!!!! So sad!!!! I wish she would take one! Nights have been very rough and all I keep thinking is,,, if only she would take a pacifier! :( ,,, cute pictures!!!!

Joanna said...

She's a doll!