Saturday, May 12, 2012

Kelsey (of's been a while)

 This is Kelsey today (2 1/2 months old).  Her eyes are so blue and beautiful!  I hope they stay that way.

 Kelsey in the stroller (above) a few weeks ago.  (Below) Aunt Kamber holding Kelsey at 33 weeks pregnant.  Kamber is so pretty in this picture.

 Kelsey last week.  I got this outfit from Aunt Laurel and it is so cute.  Kelsey loves to eat the ruffle layers...I just want to eat her.

 These were taken a month or so ago.  She looks so little. 
 Being held by Aunt Nancy.  I want to note that she is held most by Aunt Nancy (other than me and Daddy) and yet I don't have a single picture other than these on my camera...whoops!

 I love her monkey buns...and her rolls.  She weighed in at 12 lbs. 10 oz at her 2 month appointment.  That's in the 90th percentile.  Just the way I like it!
 Her first smiles that I could catch on camera.  This was at about 6 weeks old (April 16).  I love it when they start to smile and coo.  I wish I could keep her this age forever.

 Kelsey got this towel from a friend in the ward and it is so cute.

 Kelsey with Kate (above) and cousin Autumn (below)

1 comment:

Brynn said...

What an adorable chub-a-lub!!! So jealous!!!! :)