Sunday, September 30, 2012


Of course all of you ladies already know that last night was the RS broadcast.  Well, it was the best one I have been to.  The broadcast itself and the talks given were amazing and touched my heart, but that wasn't my favorite part.  I loved that I sat in a stake center full of amazing women.  I love that I knew many of them.  I love that I had the opportunity to sit next to my beautiful mother-in-law as she held my sleeping baby girl.  I love that my friend/sister-in law, Nancy, rubbed my back and played with my hair just like my sisters did growing up.  I love that Becca (another sister-in-law) was there with us to chat with and laugh with and do sisters things with.  (She took me to get a pedicure today that was oh so wonderful!)  I had friends sitting behind me from my ward and people I knew here and there throughout the room.  I just kept thinking how blessed I am to be surrounded by so many women that I love and admire.  You see, Nathaniel and I have been married over 8 years and we have moved about 10 times.  We have been in a lot of different wards.  We haven't lived near family much of our married life.  Living in Yuma has been so fun for me.  Don't get me wrong Richards', I love and miss you guys terribly and hate that you are so far away.  But I do LOVE my husband's family.  I am very fortunate that way.  I plan to stay here in Yuma for a very long time.  I love the thought of planting roots somewhere and making friends that you know you can keep for more than a short period of time.  (Megan and Lori, it's not like we aren't still friends, it's just harder when you don't live in the same town and you know it!)  I love the thought of seeing all of these women again next because we will still be here.  I love that I know women from several different wards because all of the Sorensons' live in different wards and so it gives us the chance to get to know more people. I love being part of the Relief Society and what a great organization it is and how much good it does.  I came home with a full heart and feeling so blessed to have what I have, know who I know, and live where I do.  It also made me miss my mom, grandma, and sisters terribly and wish I had them nearby to do things like this with.  I'm glad I had time with you this summer and I know that even though we don't get to do the everyday things together, we are still close. 

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

I'm Still mad at you for leaving Tucson! But...... if you are THIS happy and well taken care of in Yuma, then I guess. it's. okay. =)