Friday, March 23, 2012

One Month Already!

Kelsey gets alotta love over here. Whether she likes it or not. Nathan often says "don't worry, Mom, I'll protect her!" Little does he know, I'm trying to protect her too...from them.
This is my little angel yesterday (4 weeks old). It looks like I caught her praying.
She is about 2 1/2 weeks old here.
She has the best color of skin. It reminds me of my brother, Tanner's perfect skin.

Kelsey sleeps with me in our bed. I love it. I love how cozy and comfy she is to snuggle up with. I love to sleep with her tucked in my arms with her head next to me so I can kiss her little head all night and breathe in her sweet baby smell. (And just a side note, this is my new bedding which I also love.)
I saw someone else who had done pictures of their newborn with the parents wedding rings and I thought it was I copied them. I think some of them turned out pretty cute!

Here is Kelsey today at one month old. Pictures just don't do this little lady justice. She is perfect!
I think she is cute even when she cries, so I added a couple of those pictures too.
You can see I feed her well. She is filling out well. It is adorable.
More pictures taken today. I can hardly put her down because I don't want to miss a moment with her. She is already getting too big too fast. I can stare at her all day she is so beautiful.

Just for my sake, I wanted to post a few things about how the first month has gone. This transition has been one of the better ones. I find that I am not as tired as I have been with the other 4. That is because Nathaniel has helped out a ton with Kelsey at night. He takes the late shift while I go to bed. She has done well the last 3 nights. She had fussy spells that went from 11 p.m. to 2 or 4 in the morning. Luckily she hasn't done that the last few days.
She doesn't take a pacifier even though I try it daily. I am hoping this changes. She isn't really a fussy baby, but it helps to have a plug for church or when she is in the carseat.
She takes good naps in the swing, but not so much when she is lying flat on the bed. I'm not worried about that at this point. At least she is napping!
I have been able to keep up on most of the housework this time around. That is because she naps pretty well and the boys sometimes will leave me alone long enough to do something productive.


Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

cute cute CUTE pictures!!!!! I love the ones with your guys' wedding rings!!! I might have to steal that idea!!!!! Alexis NEVER took a binki no matter how much we tried, luckily the twins did and I am hoping baby kate will be a binki baby for sure!!!!! I'm glad your recovery has been good and you are keeping up with things!!! That's amazing!!! Glad to hear you are doing well!!!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Aww, she's so sweet!