Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kelsey Beth Sorenson (part 2)

(Apparently there is a limit to how many pictures you can put in one post. Hence the reason there are two for this.)
Kelsey getting her first salon treatment.
Aunt Becca with Kelsey on Thursday afternoon.
An out of order picture of the bath again.
A horrible picture of me, but I had to have at least one of me holding my baby on Thursday. Sadly enough, this was the best one of me. I blame my paleness on my "excessive bleeding". It couldn't be that I really look like that, right? I also didn't take the time to put on make-up that day. Something about holding my perfect new baby.
Me holding her the first time I got up to walk. I couldn't stop staring at her.
This is the kids (minus Tanner who was still eating dinner at Nancy's) meeting Kelsey for the first time. They were there for about 10 minutes and that was enough for me. They were fascinated by the buttons on the bed and every other machine in the room. Notice the 2 IVs I got to have? Lucky me. I was happy every time the nurse removed something from my body. I was one step closer to being me again.
The kids stayed at Aunt Nancy's again on Thursday night. Then on Friday night Nathaniel took them home to sleep in their own beds (and give Aunt Nancy's family a little space). Nancy came to the hospital and stayed with me. She helped out so much with Kelsey. She would take her and let me sleep.
Again, an out of order picture. She stopped by earlier than the kids to say hi and see how we were doing. I loved even her little visits. Secretly, that was one of my main reasons for wanting to have her on Thursday instead of Friday. I wanted to be in the hospital on days my mother-in-law worked.
4 of my 5 cuties

I have a special bond with my little guy, Tanner. I have been worried about how the new baby would effect him and our relationship. He is doing great! He adores his baby Kelsey.
I look like such a happy mess in this picture. Tanner was a little thrown off by the hospital, my gown, the new baby, etc. He was very shy and hesitant that first meeting at the hospital.
Eliza with Kelsey before we left on Sat.

I love this picture of my husband with my daughter. So sweet!
Nathan was just fascinated with her. I love the looks he gives her and the way he tries to have her hold his finger. He would always ask me when I was pregnant how much longer until she would be here. Now he says he is glad she is finally here.

This is just before we left on Sat. afternoon. We were ready to leave by 9, but we didn't get out of there until 1:15. I hate how long it takes to get all of the paperwork and everything done. I was just ready to either stay or go, but not be in limbo. I wanted a nap! I do have to say, it was actually nice to stay in the hospital. The hospital bed was great for me after my C-section. I've never cared much for hospital beds, but I miss it now. And, we don't have any TV at home and I loved relaxing with my husband and watching Food Network. It was almost like a date. Good times!

I have a special outfit that both of my girls have worn home from the hospital (she is wearing it above). As I was changing her before we left she pooped all over it and then had to wear regular jammies home. Bummer!

Taking her home. She doesn't actually take a pacifier. This happened to be one of the few seconds she did take it. It helped me get a picture of her in her carseat and not screaming.
Tannner at home with Kelsey.

I love the way he looks at her like the miracle she is. Such a sweet boy! He'll be such a good older brother/protector.

My mom flew in Sunday night and gets to stay the week to help me/play with the kids. We have loved it!

This is the amazing quilt my Mom made for Kelsey. It is gorgeous!

On a side note: My recovery is going REALLY well. Much better than I had anticipated. I haven't had to take pain meds since Sunday. I'm not saying I'm ultra tough, I have been blessed with a great surgeon who did a good job and I know I have been blessed from above to be able to have such a good start on a speedy recovery. We aren't done yet, but I am pleased so far. It hasn't been as bad as I had thought. What a blessing!


LoriAnn Grigg said...

I'm totally crying over here. She is perfect. I'm glad everything went so well. She is sooo tiny. I can't believe how little she is. I just want to squeeze her. =) And I can't get over how big your little ones are getting. Kater Lou looks SO adorable and little bubba. Oh.. he melts my heart. Congratulations!! Kelsey is just... uh so amazing. I can't get over it. You looked beautiful in ALL those photos. You're supposed to look like a "happy Mess" You just had a baby! So glad your mom is there. Take care Momma!!

Laurel said...

So fun to see pictures of her and all of you. I love watching my older kids get to know the new baby. I love her blankets, too. They're almost as pretty as she is. I'm so glad Mom got to come down. I love the quilt she made you. Take it easy and enjoy every second!

Joanna said...

Love you so much! Thanks for sharing the story, glad everything is well! She is absolutley darling!