Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kelsey Beth Sorenson

We had a scheduled C-section on Thursday morning at 7:15. We needed to be at the hospital at 5:45. I couldn't sleep after 3:30 in the morning. Our kids had slept over at Aunt Nancy's house so we wouldn't have to wake them up so early. This was me my last couple of hours being pregnant. We took it right before we left for the hospital. I was reluctant to get a pregnant picture of myself, but I did want it for my family history.
I had called the hospital on Wed. to be sure everything was a go for the next day and a lady named Alex confirmed it. (The original date for the C-section was set for Friday afternoon but my dear, sweet mother-in-law pulled some strings and got me set up for Thursday morning. It's great to have connections with women's surgical services at the hospital.) Well, needless to say, they were not expecting us to be there that day. I asked the lady at the front desk to talk to Beth (my mother-in-law) because I knew she would straighten everything out. I just wasn't going home without a baby. After a little while (and Nathaniel texting Mom) Mom came out and sure enough, worked everything out for us. She sent me with Alex and Nathaniel had to stay back while they got me ready. I stripped down and they put me in triage and got me ready to go. It was weird to be there at the hospital and not having contractions, but knowing that I was going to have a baby in a couple of hours. I couldn't stop smiling I was so excited. They eventually brought Nathaniel back and I moved to the OR at 7:13. It was a big, bright room with people moving in and out. I had a great anesthesiologist and when I started to get nauseous I mentioned it and within a minute the feeling was gone. I was so happy she had something that could fix that since I didn't want to meet my daughter feeling sick. My mother-in-law came in and then Nathaniel was brought in as well. I was so excited that Mom could be there. I wasn't sure if she was going to or not, and she has such a calming presence, I was thrilled it worked out to have her there. I really love my mother-in-law. My OB, Dr. Amon, came in and quickly got things underway. It was a weird sensation to have him push on my belly to get her out and not have me do a thing. I was waiting to hear her cry to let me know she was there. I started crying the instant I heard her little cry and then it just got louder and louder and I didn't worry about her breathing at all. We sent the camera with Mom to get pictures and Nathaniel stayed with me and held my hand and told me what was going on. I was very pleased with how well everything went. It was really a special experience for me to have Mom there for the delivery. Patients usually only get one family member with them in the OR. I lucked out and got 2. It made the experience just a bit more magical. I sent Nathaniel with Kelsey and they finished up with me and I was being wheeled to recovery at 7:54. I know the times on these things aren't important, but they are random facts I remember about the day. I had a bit of "excessive bleeding" in recovery that kept my there longer than I wanted to be. I was able to have Kelsey brought to me and I fed her there within an hour and a half of her being born so I was happy with that. Her feeding helped control the bleeding. I was just happy to hold my baby for the first time. I finally was given a room and my mother-in-law wheeled me there around noon. Kelsey and Nathaniel came shortly thereafter. Becca (Nathaniel's little sister) came in and visited us a little while later and stopped in a few times that night and next morning. I was happy to have family around for this.
Here's the rundown in pictures:
Kelsey Beth Sorenson was born at 7:33 weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. I was thrilled when I heard that first cry. It is like music to me. I was dying to see her. Here they are cleaning her up.

I swore I wouldn't post this, but I decided I wanted it for myself. They had to put the oxygen in and I didn't like it. I did love how awake and alert I was though. I didn't want to be hazy and not remember this experience.
Beth (Nana/Mom) and Kelsey Beth in the OR. My mother-in-law has the best eyes.
Nathan said the cutest thing the other day. He told my mom that "Nana cut Kelsey's tag off". She was the one that cut the cord. So funny to think of it that way.
These pictures are all out of order. Blogger switches them around after I upload them and I am too lazy to fix them. Kelsey was taken out of the OR right after the picture above was taken. Some of these below are from the OR and some are from after she left.
She is beautiful and perfect and we couldn't love her more.

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