Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sea World!

Friday, August 19th my mother-in-law called and asked if we had plans for Sat. I said we didn't and she invited us to go to Sea World with them. Sea World is something that I have looked forward to doing with the Sorenson's since I met them. It was something they did regularly as kids and they all have fond memories of it. It was even a joke in the family that you aren't a Sorenson until you've been to Sea World with the family. It took me 7 1/2 years to be a real member of the family... and it was a day worth waiting for. I thought it would be more fun with just Nathaniel and myself initially. I changed my mind when I saw my kids faces and got to go on rides with them. Even Tanner and Nathan were much better than I imagined. A lot of that is because Tanner adores Papa and fussed unless Papa carried him. That made life easy for me and I loved to watch them together. Tanner doesn't take to anyone really...but he LOVES his Papa. Eliza was hilarious at the Shamu show. We sat in the soak zone and wore ponchos. Eliza's was a little loose in the front near the neck and she ended up soaked anyway. I was watching her as "Shamu" splashed her and her face was to die for. I wish I could have taken pictures, but I didn't want to risk ruining the camera. I rode and the little roller coaster ride with Kate and it was so fun. Eliza was a little concerned with me riding the ride since I was pregnant. That's illegal and I could have been arrested. I guess I still have some of that old day spunk still in me. They take your picture at the first drop on the ride and then charge $15 for the picture (maybe $20). We don't usually buy into things like that, but the look on Eliza's face with a riot and Kate had a look of sheer terror on hers. We suckered into buying it and it sits in our living room for a continual laugh. It was SUCH a wonderful day. It was so fun to share it with Nana, Papa, Nancy, Quentin, and all the cousins. I hope we do it again. My kids ask me all the time when we are going back. I am so glad Nana and Papa surprised us with that trip. It was a pretty perfect day.

Tanner and Isaac were twinners for the day.

My personal favorite show was the dolphins. The dolphins did cool tricks, but they had divers do some really amazing things too. I thought it was sooooo cool. Tanner was a little less impressed...
it was naptime.

Kate got a little tired and found a comfy spot on Daddy. Nathaniel was so great. He didn't want me to miss the Shamu show since Tanner had fallen asleep in the stroller. He stayed out with him so he could sleep and I wouldn't miss the show. I love him.
Nana and Papa and the crew (minus Q since he was in the bathroom).
Sleepy baby.

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