Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blessing in Disguise

On Tuesday afternoon the boys and I went outside to the van to go get the girls from school. When I was buckling Tanner in his carseat I looked up and saw the back window was shattered into a million pieces. It was still intact, but in a million pieces. I called my friend, Talana, and switched carpool with her since I didn't want my back window to fall out. (As a side note, I love carpooling, it makes life so much easier.) As I looked at the window it was pretty obvious that it had been shot by a BB gun or something very similar. It had to have happened between 11:45 and 2:45 in the afternoon while it was parked in my driveway. I had to call the police just to be sure I got a case number if my insurance wanted it. I knew that nothing was going to come of it other than that.
I called my insurance company to once again question their policy on glass coverage. In May when I had my windshield replaced they told me I had a $250 glass deductible. I tried to fight it and tell them that I shouldn't, but it was no use. I ended up paying $180 for a new windshield. My mom convinced me to call State Farm again and push the issue with the glass coverage. When I called I was surprised to hear that indeed I don't have a glass deductible. I questioned them about why I had to pay for a new windshield in May and she said to turn in my receipt but rarely are people reimbursed for work they have done outside of State Farm's contracted companies. I wrote a letter and turned it in stating what had happened and the injustice of it all. I turned it in and had a check 2 hours later. I thought if I got a check it would be months before I saw it. So all in all this punk shooting out my window was a blessing in disguise. I ended up getting my money back that I wouldn't have known to fight for otherwise. I ordered my kids Christmas gift yesterday and we get to pick it up on Saturday. I had been saving up money for their present and this just put me $6 over. What a happy day! So, I hope all of you get your windows shot out...not really, but maybe there will be something that happens that seems bad and turns out to be really good. Thanks little punk for my kids Christmas!
One little raindrop that made it through the hole. You can see little pieces of glass on the door.
Very blurry, but it was the best shot I could get of the hole itself. I'm surprised getting my window shot didn't bug me more. I feel very safe in Yuma and I still do. Someone asked if I was more paranoid now. I haven't given it much thought, I still love Yuma. The cop asked me who I thought did it. I laughed and said I don't think I was a target, it had to be totally random.
It stayed in place pretty well until the glass guys came and replaced it. Only around the edges did it start to come off. And, this picture is proof that it does rain in Yuma.

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