Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Joke

This morning Laurel called me and told me that my brother Keith's joke was not a joke. I had to check my email to see what she was talking about. Keith had emailed all of his siblings and attached a birth announcement for his son. None of us had any idea that his wife, Maggie was even pregnant. My mom and Laurel quickly got on the ball and called the hospital where she supposedly delivered and they connected my mom to Maggie. It wasn't a joke. She really had a baby boy. They now have 8 kids. I have a new nephew, Tristan William Richards that was born on March 30th. They kept the secret until today for a good joke. I thought it was pretty funny. I could never pull it off...something to do with me running my mouth. My husband could though. I think that is the best April Fools joke I've had.

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

That's the Best april fool's Joke I've ever heard! I want to do that with my next one. =)......Right, I'm like you, I couldn't hold out that long. =)