Friday, April 1, 2011

Utah Getaway

This is such a beautiful sight! This is so rare I had to get a picture. My kids are lacking the sleep-in-the-car gene.
(Here's Tanner having a ball in the hotel bathroom. I figured we paid for it, we better live it up.)
Nathaniel took Friday the 25th off work and we went over to Utah for a quick trip. We booked a hotel in Orem and got lots of shopping done. I bought a couple of new dresses, unfortunately neither of them are the right color for Becca's wedding. Oh well, I like them a lot so I'm happy. I got to spend Friday night with Brianne. We went shopping and to Outback. She got a phone call right as dessert came. I told her she better get off the phone before I inhaled the whole Chocolate Thunder from Down Under. Mmmmm! It was so fun to spend time with her. She is so easy to talk to and laugh with. It was nice to have another girl's opinion when shopping. I loved it when I would try on a dress and she would ask what I thought before she would give her opinion. My favorite was when I tried on this one dress, I didn't like it and I opened the door and Brianne started laughing. I love people that are honest. Brianne is definitely that. I really needed a little girl time with her. It reminded me of the good old days.
We also got to see Daryl. I haven't seen him in over 2 years. He looks exactly the same as he did when we were friends in college. I think my kids have aged me. I can't believe how much has changed since we were in Provo. I've had 4 kids, my husband is now a lawyer, and I drive a minivan. Time flies!
We also stopped by the Largey's to spend a little time with them. I love how much we laugh when we are together. It is so comfortable with them. Nicole is pregnant with their third baby, a little girl. It's too bad we don't live closer to them. I miss them.
I have enjoyed living closer to Utah. It has been fun to see people I haven't seen much in the last few years. I will miss these quick weekend trips to see family and friends.

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Very nice post Tennille, but it's lacking in one area: The DRESS. I want to see you in your Dress!! =)