Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mom and Dad's Visit

My Mom and Dad came on Jan. 17th to visit us here in Ely. It was so fun to have them here. The girls put Grandpa to work right away. They pulled out the book that has all kinds of facts about animals. Each page studies a different animal. It reminded me of when I was a kid and Dad would read to us from the encyclopedia about alligators and crocodiles. I loved it. Apparently Eliza and Kate do too.

The kids in the toy room. Dad made a wooden fridge for the kids while he was here to add to their kitchen. They love it. I just can't believe how precise Dad can be with an old saw, a pencil, and a piece of wood. It is perfect!
While they were here, we got to see Nathaniel take the oath or be sworn in as a lawyer. It is one more step in the process. It is only a five minute ceremony where the judge reads something and then Nathaniel repeats it. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is. It is like the icing on the cake. It is the final piece in the puzzle. You go to 3 years of law school, study and take the bar, fill out your character and fitness report, pay more money than you'll ever be able to repay, then you finally get to be sworn in and then you wait you the bar card to come in the mail. I am just glad it is all done. He worked so hard and I am so proud of him. It was fun to have my parents here to celebrate the occasion with us. My Dad said that if only all lawyers would do what they swear to do in the oath, this world would be a much better, more honest place.

I love watching my parents with my kids. Tanner doesn't take to anyone, but then I realized, that's also because he is always away from home and familiarity. This time was different. He let my Mom hold him and play with him. He was laughing so hard when my Dad was playing with him this night. I love it!

For having such a great sense of humor, my Dad looks so serious. My Dad has such a great outlook on life. He told my brother, "Anyone who thinks life isn't funny isn't paying attention." I need to have his outlook more often, especially right now. Then again, I find Ely funny a lot.

I am so happy they came. We didn't really do anything, but it was just so fun to have company. It gets lonely here. People tell us all the time that Ely is like this black hole. No one ever comes to visit. Well, we lucked out I guess!


Nancy said...

Hey!!! We tried to come and visit!! And we will come help you move down here ;-)

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Yay! All the hard work finally paid off. I love how Nathaniel's real smile didn't come out until the picture where he was standing next to his family! cute. I also love your dad's camo. It reminds me of home, and soooo not fare Tanner laughed for them. That little monkey is going to laugh for me one day. Mark my words!!

Brynn said...

What a great time. I feel like we mark our time by our family visits. "Two more months until we see Nana and Papa." or "Three weeks until Grandpa comes." We wait and we wait and then it is over too fast. We hope to see you in April. We love you! Congrats Nathaniel and Tennille regarding being sworn in. You both did it!!!

Brynn said...

p.s. the google verification was "nateal" See even google agrees it was a group effort!

Joanna said...

I miss your parents! Yeah for Nathaniel thats great.

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

PICTURES!!!!! I finally posted something:) Cute pictures with gparents by the way! and congrats to your hubby and your family!!! very exciting!!!