Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Look What I Can Do!

I am eating solids (oatmeal mixed with veggies) now...and I don't end up this messy anymore. I didn't just start out with the good ol' once a day feeding. I have to have two a day or I feel left out and cry while everyone else eats. It's probably a good thing. I need to beef up to get ready to take on my older brother...have you seen the size of him?
I have started sleeping with my arms out of my swaddle blanket. I am such a good sleeper. I go to bed around 7 and wake up between 5:30 and 7 in the morning. My mommy tries not to brag about it, but it is noteworthy.
This is my latest trick! I picked this one up today. I am sitting up! Boy, did that surprise my mom and dad. They didn't think I was ready, but sure enough I can do it quite well. I sat up all alone for over 2 minutes in one stretch. How's that for the first day of sitting!
I even bent over to get my duck and sat back up without falling.
Look at my cute smile! My mommy loves it! She'll do anything to get me to smile at her...seriously...anything!
Oh, and I am rolling over front to back and back to front. Mommy didn't have any recent pictures of that though.
My mommy is not very happy (she's hiding it well) that I have done all these in the last 2 weeks. She thinks I am growing up too fast!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

You are beautiful!