Thursday, April 8, 2010

Truth Be Told

The other day Eliza was telling me a story about when she was in Yuma after I had Tanner. She was in the middle of telling me how she did something wrong and how she got in trouble with Aunt Nancy. I interrupted her to tell her she shouldn't have done what she did and yadda yadda yadda and she stopped me and said, "Mom, can you not interrupt me until I'm done with the story?" Nathaniel had a huge smile spread across his face and he started laughing and said, "there you have it" (or something similar). I know I am an interrupter (hey, everyone knows I am) and I need to work on it, I just didn't think my 4 year old would call me on it. I think that is one of the only things Nathaniel has ever mentioned to me that bugs him. I know there are more things about me that bug him but bless his heart he doesn't mention them. He is too good to me. I suppose I should work on that then, huh?

1 comment:

Brynn said...

Oh good, I am in good company, because I am the worlds worst interrupter. Isn't the world just dying to hear every word that we have to say that everything must be done in our power to make it happen as quickly as possible? Guess not, because it is Ben's pet peeve with regards to me. I'm right there with ya, babe! You can interrupt me anytime!!!