Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tanner to the Doctor...Again

I had to take Tanner in to the doctor again on Thursday because he had a fever of 100.1 the night before. I was a bit nervous because he had just finished an antibiotic on Sat. and he didn't have any symptoms of being sick other than his fever. I hauled the 4 kids into the doctor on Thursday and luckily they were angels. Tanner has an ear infection and gets to be on another antibiotic. This one is a 2 a day 10 dayer. Two different antibiotics for 2 different illnesses before he is 3 months old. I was not happy he was sick, but I was happy that the reason for the fever was an easy known fix.
Tanner Facts:
*He was only 12 lbs. 15 oz. on Thursday which is 2 oz. down from a week and a half ago. He just isn't chunky like my other kids, despite what the blessing pictures depict.
*His first intentional smile was on March 13th at a Relief Society Committee Meeting. It had been a busy, chaotic day and that just made the world slow down for a few minutes.
*His first laugh (chuckle) was tonight when the missionaries were here for dinner. I was holding Tanner and he was staring at Nathaniel and just smiling and then he started to chuckle. He did it twice. Soooo cute!
*He doesn't like singing...mine in particular. It kind of offends me. What baby isn't soothed by his own mother's singing?

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