Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tanner's Blessing

Tanner was blessed on Sunday March 7, 2010. I have searched my house for the paper I wrote the words of the blessing on, but I cannot locate it. I'm hoping it turns up since I like to keep that in my journal. He was blessed by Nathaniel and his Dad and brothers, Quentin and Matthew, and our close friend JD, and of course the Bishop were all in the circle. We went outside right after sacrament to get pictures (since I had welfare meeting before church) and as we were taking the last picture Tanner peed through his outfit and so we didn't get any individual pictures that day. I had to wash the outfit and get pictures on Tuesday instead. The outfit he is wearing the the same one Nathaniel wore on his blessing day and Nathaniel Jr. wore on his blessing day. The funny thing is Nathaniel, my husband, was born in Tucson and was blessing in the same building Tanner was blessed in. We were moved into that building this summer so that turned out to be kinda special. Nathaniel has a picture on those very same steps with his family as a baby. I think that is neat, same outfit, same building, and a lot of the same people there.
Tanner is just so sweet. I could not ask for a more perfect baby. He is an angel and we are very blessed to have him in our family.


Brynn said...

Oh, how I wish we could have been there!!! Living across the country from family is taking it's toll. I am so glad you had such a beautiful day for Tanner's blessing and that it was filled with family. Congratulations on you beautiful children and family! We love you!

Joanna said...

He's so sweet! Love and miss you!