Monday, January 18, 2010

He's Here!!!

Tanner Joseph Sorenson arrived on Friday, January 15th at 7:32 a.m. He weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 20 inches long. He is absolutely perfect and we couldn't be more in love with him!
A father and son moment. No one under 13 was allowed in the hospital (family included) due to H1N1 so my kids couldn't come and meet him there. I always love to get a mom and kids picture in the hospital, but it didn't happen this time.
Tanner with the blanket from aunt Breezer. He was very red for the first 2 days.
A quick picture before I left the hospital. I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. It was not my favorite experience. They were very slow to do everything so therefore I didn't get my epidural, the doctor wasn't there for the birth (the nurse delivered him), and I couldn't see my kids so I was ready to get home to say the least!
Eliza adoring her new little brother. The kids are all very in love with him. I think it is so cute. Kate shared her favorite shirt which she uses like a comfort blanket and Nathan who never tries to say anything was very quick to learn "baby". Nathan was also quick to throw him toys and try to feed him popcorn...just looking out for his "bubba" as he says (one time when he tried to say baby it came out bubba and I thought it was so cute).
A close up of him when he was 2 days old.
He was so cute in his little hat.
A rare moment when he was not in my arms. I can't help but hold him all day long and he doesn't like to be away from me, so for this week it works while the kids are at Nana and Papa' week will be interesting!
He likes to suck his thumb if he can find it...which isn't much yet. I think it is so cute though.
I'll have to tell more about the whole story when I get another minute, but he's awake and I just wanted to get pictures out for now.


Laurel said...

What a gorgeous little boy!! Thanks for posting pictures. Congratulations!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

YAY!!!! Pictures!!!! I can't wait to see him in person. And I love the name I'm glad you found one.
I've wanted to come over soo bad but Aaron has had a cold and even though I'm not sick nor are the girls, I want to stay away just in case. for a couple days. =) What is with you having babies and my family getting sick. j/k =) We Love you!!! and new baby Tanner. I'll have to give you a call we've been out most of today, and now it's probably too late to call. Although I'm sure you're up atleast every 2 hours. =)

Grandma said...

Hurray for our #31! He is SO handsome. What perfect features. Snuggle him tight for his Grandma Richards! We love and miss you all. I will be so GLAD to have you closer. Dad and I are already planning family gatherings in Salt Lake. Can't wait!

Joanna said...

Congrats, I've been wanting to call you but have been down with a cold. He is adorable! Glad all went so well. He looks just like his daddy! Also congrats on the job its gotta be exciting to be moving on to another step in your lifes! Love you!