Monday, October 19, 2009

What Are the Odds...

Sat. night the family went out to Walmart to get groceries. As I was loading Nathan into his carseat there was a flock of birds flying over us and a little to the side. Nathan was pointing at them and I was talking to him about them when they changed direction and flew right over our heads. I had the fleeting thought, "Wow, that's a lot a birds, the chances are pretty good we get pooped, you're just paranoid." As soon as I thought it, sure enough, something wet and warm hit me in the face, just below my lip. I was really grossed out, but didn't want to make a scene. I told Nathaniel to look at my face and realized bird poop is pretty much clear, so he couldn't see what I was getting at. I asked him to get me a wipe before I threw up. Moral of the story...Never think of the negative side of what could happen. It will.


LoriAnn Grigg said...

You lucky duck that means wealth is comming your way. Atleast that's what someone told me when a bird pooped on me. I think she just said that to make me feel better. I'm still waiting for the that wealth. I guess it's comming later, not sooner.

Laurel said...

NASTY!!! If I were Nathaniel, I don't think I could ever kiss you again!

Joanna said...

I believe that would happen to you! Hope your feeling good!