Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Potty Humor

I must not be grown up yet because I still think things like this are funny...
Yesterday Eliza was going potty while I was giving Kate a quick rinse with the shower. She happened to be going #2 (for lack of a better term) and all of a sudden she stops talking, sniffs the air and says, "Something smells really yucky in here. It smells poopy!" She is really grossed out. I start laughing because obviously she has got to be kidding, right? She has to know what that smell is. She said, "Mom, Kate must have pooped in the shower." I told her that wasn't the case and that it was actually from the toilet that the smell was coming from. She was flabergasted! She wouldn't believe me. How could she have made that smell?! I told her that just because you go potty in the right place doesn't mean it doesn't smell. She didn't say anything was taking her a minute to soak it all in.
Later that night as I was putting the kids to bed I was prepping them for the mornings events. We took them into the lab to have their blood drawn to see if they have celiacs like their Mommy. I have been dreading the procedure, but feel it is a good idea to have it done to be sure they don't (or possibly do) have it. Anyway, I was telling Kate about what they would have to do and then asked her if she was going to be brave. She smiled and said she was. She hopped off to bed and I went into our room where Eliza was. She loves to fall asleep in our bed and then we move her later. When I told Eliza what they would have to do she started to look nervous. I told her it was going to hurt a little and asked if she was going to be brave. She told me no without hesitation. I told her I would give her a treat if she would be brave and that changed her answer. Then she said, "Mom, am I going to have to pee in a cup?" (Eliza went to the OB/GYN with me and I made her turn around in the bathroom for that part of the visit and she thought it was the funniest thing that they wanted my pee in a cup.) The girl cracks me up! I laughed and reassured her that they did not need that from her.
Just a side note: the kids all did fantastic today getting their blood work done and only Nathan cried for a few seconds. Treats are such an amazing thing! We'll see what the results are in a few days.

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

That's helarious!!! and I agree with Eliza I think it's silly they want our pee in a cup.