Thursday, October 1, 2009

Candy Town

When my sister, Laurel, told me that she and her boys went here, I told myself that if ever I was in Billings, this place was a must. So, while we were there we took the kids and checked it out. I am such a sweets person that I had to try to control myself while in there. Luckily, I am so cheap that it wasn't too hard! The girls got their baskets and we told them they could each have 10 pieces of whatever they they went to the first basket of candy and put 10 of them in their baskets. I tried again and explained that they could get different things and that they might want to look around a little first.
Taffy was 1/2 price that day and luckily I can have it, so that's what I got...I told you, I am so "frugal" a.k.a. extremely cheap that I wasn't going to get anything until I saw this option.
The girls just went around picking one of everything and putting it in their baskets. I gave up and just let them enjoy themselves. They didn't go too crazy and each ended up with 15 pieces or so. The only thing I had to put back was a sucker Kate picked up that had a cricket in it...I wasn't going to pay for crickets. Mom has those around by her house and if someone wants one enough, they can catch their own. Kate probably had no idea there was something in it.
Nathaniel wanted to try out the old fashion soda fountain and ordered the girls a drink. I ruined it for him when I saw the prices so he declined getting anything and walked out empty handed.
Sometimes I ruin fun things because I feel guilty spending money on anything while we are in school and in debt. I should have just let him enjoy the moment...stinkin' me!
The kids had a fun time and at first we let them have a piece or two of candy until one day we got sick of Eliza asking (begging/nagging) us for more and Nathaniel said she could just eat as much as she wanted, but when it was gone she was done and couldn't steal Kate's. Sure enough, it was gone soon and she was trying to have Kate share hers with her. Oh how predictable she is!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

You always were a kill joy!! Just kidding.
I tried a chocolate covered ant while I was there. Yummy!