Thursday, October 1, 2009

More on Montana...

We had a picnic at the park on Friday and Kate loved the tire swing. I can't stomach spinning well and puked on a carnival ride in my teens so I tried to warn Kate that that might happen to her. I figured I would warn her a few times and tell her the consequences, but I wanted her to make the choice without nagging her. Well, after 10 minutes I decided it was time to intervene. I didn't want to her get sick and ruin her night. I finally sent Nathaniel over to physically remove her. She had already asked Landon (her cousin) to stop her and was getting off when Nathaniel reached her. She said, "I'm going to frow up!" Sure enough, two seconds later she puked... a lot. Nathaniel had tried to get her to lean forward as to not get it all over herself, but no luck. She was covered. We took her jacket off and robbed Nathan of his pants (we figured it is more acceptable to be pantless at 17 months than at 3 years). I'm hoping she learned her lesson and doesn't try that again.

Here is my Mom with the kids outside the Billings Airport. I am sad we don't get to see more of her.

Here we are at the airport. When we checked in they told us the flight was a little over an hour delayed, but by the time we got seated they announced the flight hadn't left Phoenix yet. We were waiting there for over 3 hours. Mom offered to come back and get us but with 3 kids going through security takes FOREVER!!! Worse things have happened. At least it didn't happen on the way up and have us miss 3 hours of Montana and family!
I messed up and deleted a picture so the order here is off. These were supposed to be first.
Here is the view from my parents back porch. I love, love, love it there. My brother, Ben, was shooting and Dad was driving to see how close he got to the target. Kate and Liza loved the 4-wheeler. We don't get to do that much around here. Mom, Benny, Kate, and Christina on the porch swing. I tell you, that thing gets used. It was so chilly that night we went inside. I haven't been chilly in forever. I bought that dress of Kate's while we were there. She wanted to wear it everyday. I just went ahead and let her, it's vacation right? She kept it surprisingly clean for Kate. She is the messiest eater I have ever seen in a 3 year old.
It was such a great time and I don't know when we will be able to go back so this will have to hold me over for a while. Luckily the weather here is starting to get nice. It's below 100 some days so they say it is "cooling off". I don't miss the bitter cold and we get plenty of sunshine so we went at the perfect time. We already miss you guys up there!


Laurel said...

I miss you already!!

Joanna said...

It was great to see you and get caught up. Your family is just darling!