Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Naked Nap

Nathan learned a new trick the other day. I put him to nap in just a diaper since it is really hot inside and out. I had a fleeting thought about putting at least a pair of shorts on him to ensure his diaper stayed on. I ignored it though since he has never taken it off yet. Well...there are always firsts. He was playing a lot before he fell asleep and I was going to go and check on him, but decided he would just get more mad if I left him in there. So, when Nathaniel brought our naked boy down the hall after his nap I burst out laughing. He had yanked his diaper off and chucked it over the side of the crib. He had peed in his crib and a small stream hit the floor. I had a good laugh and have now been forewarned. I considered myself lucky that we didn't have to clean up more. I don't think I would have been laughing quite as much!

1 comment:

Brynn said...

Unfortunately for Brynn and I we have had the worse. Neve had pajamas on and somehow got out of them, took off her diaper and smeered #2 all over her crib and wall.