Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Man of Many Names

I forgot to tell a funny story about Nathan's birthday. We (the family and Santini's) were singing happy birthday to Nathan and it got to the part that says, "Happy Birthday dear ______" and I said Nathan, someone said Juner (that's what the girls have called him since day one since they didn't understand the Junior thing and it has stuck), and someone else said Bubba. It was so funny. He is also known as Juner Bug or Buggy (there are June Bugs down here and so that seemed to go together). I have always been big into nicknames, the only problem is that people that don't see him often don't know what to call him. Our close friends call him whatever comes to mind, just like we do. I have had several people ask me or my friends what to call him. Really, you can call him whatever you like. Nathaniel likes it when people call him Nathaniel, but honestly, he'll respond to just about anything!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What a present!

My little guy gave me quite the anniversary gift yesterday. He took his first steps for us! Not just one of two, but 5 or 6 at a time. What a big guy! I think the pressure was starting to get to him. Yesterday we had some car trouble and our good friend, JD came over to help us out. He asked if he was walking yet and we told him he wasn't but that it would be anytime now. He said the pressure must be on now that he was one. I guess Nathan took it to heart because a few hours later he was up on those chubby legs and movin'. I was very excited!

5 Years

April 24th has been a special holiday for me even before I got married. That's one reason why we chose that date. Getting married on that date sealed it as my favorite day. I think every girl will tell you her wedding day was the best day of her life. I reflect back on that day often. It truly was the best, most magical day of my life. I couldn't have been happier. It didn't matter what decorations we had at the reception or the food that was served (although I heard it was great, Mom), I was just thrilled to be married to the love of my life. Every day since then I have considered myself a lucky lady to be with someone as good as he is. He is ever so patient with me and encourages and supports me as well as lets me be the crazy girl that I am without trying to change me. I love this man!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Favorite Part of the Party

I love the first birthday. I love to watch them demolish the cake. Nathan was reaching for the cupcake the instant he saw it. He didn't want to wait until the end of the song. He started shoving the cupcake in by the handful as soon as she got his hands on it. It was so fun. I love to see their first response to a good dose of sugar. He made a royal mess of himself, the floor, and his booster, but I didn't care. I love the show. He was easy to clean up, we just tossed him in the sink for a quick rinse.

Nathan's 1st Birthday!

We celebrated Nathan's birthday on Sunday although the real thing wasn't until Monday. We had our friends "Aunt" Megan and "Uncle" JD over to celebrate with us. They brought Nathan a present and he was so cute trying to open it. That look on his face says, "Yeah, that's right, I ripped this!" His sisters got impatient and opened his other presents. I didn't protest too much since he didn't care. He just wanted to play with the things he got. The girls helped me make the chocolate, chocolate chip cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Triple chocolate, it's probably a good thing I couldn't partake. What a fun year it has been with him around. He sure brightens our days!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Know You're in Arizona When...

You are sweating BEFORE your workout.

You keep a spray bottle next to the bed to spritz periodically through the night.

Your baby wakes up from his nap wet from sweat.

You have to turn down the fan when the phone rings so you can hear the other person.

The water bottle left in your car burns on its way down your throat, but you have to drink it because you have already finished the other 4 cold ones you brought.

Your children run through the house naked because "naked helps us not to be hot".

It is 89 degrees in your house and it is only APRIL!!!

You try to think of meals that don't use the oven because it will cook everyone in the house.

We're still loving it here though. It's amazing what good friends can do for a place!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Dumbest Argument EVER!

This evening as Nathaniel and I were in the kitchen, Eliza comes to me distraught and crying because Katelyn had taken something from her. I asked her to use her nice words and ask Kate to give it back. I followed her to the family room and I heard her ask Kate for her glass slipper back (her princess dress up shoes). I looked at Kate's feet and then around the two of them and there were no shoes of which to speak. I asked Kate where the shoes were and she lifts up her bare foot. I said, "The shoes are pretend?" Eliza said, "Yes, and she took them from me!" Kate was holding her hand up pretending to be holding a shoe and Eliza grabs the "shoe" back from Kate, who quickly steals it back. This was quite humorous to watch as they both were mad when the air/shoe was taken from them. They both acted as though they really were being robbed of something. I told them they could both have glass slippers and "tossed new shoes" in each of their directions. They both seemed satisfied with that. Seriously, you had to come and get me for that?

Preschool Moms'- Check this Out!

I have started another blog that will help me organize my preschool materials. I am really excited about this! I have a preschool here in Tucson with my friends and Laurel does the same up in Billings. We are doing this to share with each other our hard work and fantastic ideas. We both graduated from Ricks in Professional Preschool Ed. and want to try to remember all of the great things we learned and did. We hope that this will not only benefit ourselves but you as well. You are welcome to have a look. The site is zcpreschoolideas.blogspot.com. It is called that because Laurel and I were on the same teaching team at Ricks and we named our preschool The Zoo Crew. Both us of still use that name now with our own little preschools.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jury Duty

Not me, the handsome husband. He loves it! You'd figure he was in law school or something. He told me he would learn more there than in his classes (that is if his buddies can get him the notes). It is only through Friday, so I didn't fight it. He loves to see his classes and training in action.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just the Girls

Breezer took a few pictures of me with my girlies while she was here. This is up Sabino Canyon. This is the only water here in Tucson I'm pretty sure. How sad is that?
Eliza just wanted to jump in the water, and Kate is my happy-go-lucky-I'll-do-anything-you-want-me-to kid. They both are so fun.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Trying to Catch Some Zzzzzz

Eliza trying to catch a quick nap on the way home from Mexico. She NEVER sleeps in the car, but after a few days of staying up late and playing hard, it finally caught up to her.
Nathan finally gave in as well. He was so cute as he slept. He was such a good sport. He just sat in the stroller and went along with everything. He hardly fussed at all even though he was really tired. He doesn't give us much trouble.
Grandpa is taking a little snooze. Eliza was having a hard time letting him be. The girls just love Grandpa.
This is Nathaniel under the blanket on our bed, pillow over the head and all. You could almost hear him thinking, "I didn't sign up for this!" He was a really good sport and had a good time. It is hard to be surrounded by that many Richards in so close quarters if you aren't a Richards yourself.
Breezer and Chad resting up between activities. You can tell it was a fun weekend by the way it wore everyone out!


Dad got the poncho and the holster in Mexico. He didn't get a cowboy hat, so we used Eliza's dress-up hat instead. I think it adds just the right touch, don't you? Our own Clint Eastwood!
One of the Mexican shop owners had Eliza come over and pose for this picture. It did turn out cute. She had a hard time down there because she wanted to touch EVERYTHING! But Mommy didn't want to buy everything.
Lunchtime! The boys table and the girls table. The rest of us are in another picture somewhere, I messed up on the picture order.
Daddy and Grandma with the kids. You can see the shops around behind them. It was really cool to see the difference in culture as you walk across the border.
Here's the rest of the gang (minus me, the photographer). Benny, Dad, and Breezer got to brush up on their spanish. It is fun to hear them speaking so fluently.
Here we are at the first stop. As it turns out, Mom and Marlayne are quite the bargainers. They really got into the spirit of negotiation. We all got something and at really decent prices. Haggling is a game down there, for them and for you. We all had a good time trying it out. Mom really was a pro!
Here we are in Nogales on the US side of the border. Nogales is an hour south of us here in Tucson. The sign in the background says "Border Xing to Mexico". We just parked the cars and walked in since it is so much easier than driving in. We all had our cash in our pockets; $1 in one and $5 in another and larger bills in another. That way you can pull out just what you need instead of pulling out all of your bills and sorting through them.
Here are the Richards guys in the parking lot before we went into Mexico. You could see the wall between the U.S. side and Mexico. I thought I got it in the picture, but I guess I didn't. What a fun time!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Never in my Wildest Dreams...

I had the best surprise this last weekend! I was at home anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Dad and sister when the car finally pulls up. I run outside and found my Mom sitting in the passenger seat of the car. I was so excited! This was going to be so much fun! We all go in the house after a round of hugs and a permagrin on my face. We were inside catching up when the doorbell rings. I go to answer it and through the security screen door it was hard to see at first who it was. I said "hi" without enthusiasm until I realized it was no neighbor or stranger looking to borrow eggs, but my sister Marlayne on the other side of the door. My enthusiasm quickly escalated! She came in and we were laughing and talking when the doorbell rings again a few minutes later. Brianne shows up all cute in her stylish hat. I said, "Oh, this is going to be so much fun, it's too bad Chelsea couldn't be here for this. It would have been a great sisters reunion!" Bri said Chels couldn't get away since she had so much going on with school, etc. A few minutes later Chelsea is ringing the doorbell. I really couldn't believe it! I kept thinking, it can't get any better than this...but it did. Next came Tanner. I have been pestering him to come to Arizona to visit me for a while. I haven't seen him much in years and we have always been close, so I was so happy he could come. I called down the street, "is there anyone else out here related to me?" I asked if Ben was coming next and Mom said, "yeah, like Benny is just going to up and leave Christina to come down. This really is it. The other guys couldn't come." A minute or two later, a nice blue Dodge Charger pulls into my parking lot and out walk Ben and Chad! Everyone but my brother Keith was here. My Mom didn't know about that surprise. She had the best look of shock on her face! It must have been what I looked like in between each person showing up. Someone asked me if I caught on and expected the others to show up after the first couple unexpected visitors came. I didn't. I just thought this is too good to be true. This can't really be happening. With each new person my excitement grew and so did my smile. Heaven couldn't have been nearer to me. I was absolutely blown away! This was the best surprise EVER!!!

We did some really fun things. We went to Sabino Canyon and had a picnic lunch and a great little hike. We didn't go the right way at first so only those that stayed behind had the really great views, but we still had a fun time. How can you not when you are with your favorite people?
We always have to get a picture of the sisters. My best friends in the world!
Here is the Richards crew that was able to come. We missed you Keith! Thanks a million for all of you coming! I woke up this morning and everyone was gone and it was almost like it was just a dream...except I found about eight slurpee cups in the garbage, so I know this dream was real!!!
I'll have to post more pictures later of our excursion to Mexico! I have discovered the recipe for the best time ever, here it is:
15 people
6 surprise visitors
Less than 1200 Sq. Feet
80 degrees in the house (maybe more)
10 lbs gained
and 300 SLURPEES!

Friday, April 3, 2009

It feels like Christmas!

My Dad, sister Laurel, and her son Judd are coming to visit me tomorrow! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! My Dad has never been to Arizona and Laurel has only driven through once in high school. I think it is the perfect time to come. The weather is fantastic! I have never met Judd and she has never met Nathan. This is going to be a dang fun time...sorry to those of you who aren't going to make it. Mom and Bri, get looking at flights. You guys are next! I hardly ever get to see my side of the family (something to do with living across the country...) so this is as good as Christmas to me! I'll keep the camera handy so I can post pictures!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Things People Say

Mondays are movie days for us. Daddy has class until 7:30 so we go to Red Box and use our free code every Monday to get a movie for the kids. Well, a couple of days ago I loaded up the kids to head down to Walmart to get our free movie. I grabbed a cart that was next to the van and put Nathan in the front and had Kate and Eliza sit in the back. We were taking turns trying to tickle Bubba to make him laugh when a lady got out of her car next to us. She looked at me with wide eyes and said, "That cart's full of kids, isn't it?" I said (with a huge smile on my face), "Yeah, but not enough for us!" You should have seen the look on her face! She didn't know what to say, she was blown away. She said, "You want more?!" I said, "Oh yeah, lots more!" She was still trying to take in what I was saying and said, "How old are they?" I told her their ages and she just walked off and said, "Wow!" I only have 3, I'd love to run into her again later on it life...

On Sunday I had to take Eliza to the bathroom during Sacrament meeting and there were a couple of people in the hall chatting. I overhead a lady that was pregnant saying, "there going to be 17 or 18 months apart. Nothing freaky insane like 13 months apart!" I wanted to pipe in and say, "Yeah, I'm that freaky insane lady and I did it on purpose!" I wanted to see the look on her face, but instead I just smiled.