Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Paying Myself

Ever since I stopped working 6 years ago, I have guilt when I buy things. (And for the record, it has nothing to do with Nathaniel. He expects me to spend money. I just have a hard time spending money that we don't have and that I didn't work for directly. I know that is dumb and I know I work, but I don't get a paycheck with my name on it.) So, to help with the guilt thing, I came up with a system. I pay myself to workout. That way it is something I can earn, and it helps me be motivated to be healthy. I think everyone should be able to have a little bit of spending money without guilt. Whether it be money for perfume, a new purse, shoes, a dress, etc. I can't justify spending money on frivolous things. We can't afford that. But, if I look at it as a workout plan, I can earn money and look forward to spending my hard earned cash. Here's how it works: for every mile I run I earn 50 cents, Insanity videos are $1 per workout, Nathaniel gets a buck every time he plays ball (not that he cares, but I figure it is fair), biking is 50 cents for 10 minutes, and so on. It isn't a lot mind you, but that means I have to run a lot to make money. Last week I made $8. It adds up. I ran over 14 miles and did Insanity once.

I am thinking I need to have a system for eating right. That is my weakness right now. I enjoy running so it isn't as hard to force myself to do that. It is hard to do it at 5:15 in the morning though. I need be motivated to eat better. Maybe I should have a cash reward for that as well. I have to have a reward system because I don't do well with negative reinforcement. Any ideas? If I did even 50 cents a day that is $15 more dollars a month. That may not be much, but it just might work. Anyone want to join me so I feel company in this endeavor? That way we have a support group. You don't have to do it for money, but it would be great encouragement for me if I know someone else is doing this with me. That way if I pass up chocolate torte (which I don't think I ever could) then I know someone else is passing up yummy stuff somewhere else as well.

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

I Love this idea, and I told Aaron about it yesterday and he's all for it. AWESOME!!