Monday, October 25, 2010

My Little Family

Aunt Nancy sent this up for us last week. It looks so cute on him.
The kids couldn't leave him alone. They just kept hugging and kissing him...not that that is very different from any other day I guess.

Just a few pictures before church.
Nathan is getting to that really cheesy smile stage.
Love that Tannerboy's smile.
My girls try so hard to take good care of him.

All of my boys.
See what I mean with the weird smile on Nathan? It's comical really.

I tell ya, I'm a lucky lady. My husband wears a suit 6 days a week.
I love how handsome he is in it.
Nathaniel wasn't big on kissing his son when Nathan was born.
He thought it was a little weird. This is proof that he has changed.
I just love how cute he is with his boys.
Dreams do come true.
I've got all I want right here at home.
(Not the home itself, mind you, just the people inside.)


Laurel said...

What a good looking family. Wait... I think there is something missing... oh yeah, it's you.
I love the pictures of the boys with their daddy. Priceless!

Alissa said...

Your girls are exact replicas of's amazing! You've got some very cute kids there!

Brynn said...

Cute family! You are so lucky, I wish Ben wore a suit to work. It is business casual so not even a tie. It kills me. I grew up with my Dad wearing a suit everyday. Enjoy it for me too!