Friday, October 8, 2010

Emptying the Camera

Tanner is at such a fun age. He is always smiling and laughing. He sits up, plays with toys, claps, and has even waved a couple of times. He is loving the finger foods and being big enough to eat table food. I noticed his first tooth broke through when we were at Chelsea's house in Utah (Sept. 24) and his second tooth the next week.
Sadly enough, these are the only pictures I took of our weekend in Utah. These are the salt flats on the way over to Salt Lake City. I was totally fascinated by them. I really wanted to get out and run around and play in the salt, but didn't because we didn't have time. I am going to do it sometime for sure though.
We went to Utah to stay with Chelsea and her family and see Bri, Ben and his family, Chad and the kids he brought, and my cousin Darcy. It was such a fun time. The first day we were there we stayed up until 2 in the morning talking and laughing and inhaling Que Bueno like a bunch of vultures on a carcas. I love my family so much and haven't seen much of them in 3 years. I can't believe how grown up my nieces and nephews are getting. Jaymon and Nate were right there joining us in the Que Bueno fest. I think it is fun to see them turning into such fine young men. Camille and Callie were so cute with Tanner. I loved to see them playing with him. My girls loved playing with their older girl cousins. Chelsea made me the best chocolate birthday cake I have ever had. I even had some for breakfast the next day. (I love being a grown up.) We had a great time and I am loving living much closer to them. We are already planning when we can get over there again.

I have been doing circle time with Katelyn and Nathan when Eliza is at school, but this day we waited for her. The kids were acting out a story. I think it is really good for Nathan especially.
This may seem like an ordinary picture, but to me, this was a small miracle. Nathan actually played by himself for 20 minutes. He always needs me to be right where he is and play beside him. He is always at my feet when I am making dinner and whining or trying to get too close to the stove. This day I was making dinner and noticed something was different. My shadow wasn't there. Nathan had taken his truck and those little blocks and was actually playing on his own! I only wish it would have lasted longer. The very next day he was back to clinging to me. Oh well, I got 20 minutes, right?

Tanner loves his tubs. He and Nathan have quite the party in the tub. Nathan gets Tanner laughing and smiling so big. I love to see them interact and not have Tanner come away crying. When he gets out of the tub, Tanner's hair is so cute. You can style it. Once it is dry it just stands up on end...I wonder where he gets that?

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