Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Busy's an Understatement!

I had it pointed out to me that I haven't posted in over a month. What I am wondering though is where exactly did the last month go? We are putting our house up for sale in a week and once our Realtor did a walk through of our house I have been a basket case. I don't have a spare second that I am not packing a box, touching up paint, sanding, staining, etc. I feel like I have been neglecting my kids, but then again, they have each other, right? That's why we had several kids is so they would have each other. Kate is great at playing by herself, but Eliza always wants me do join in her imaginary world. The only problem is that I have already lived my childhood and I would love it if she played with Kate so I could get something done. Nathan is a holy terror and I don't know if it is because he is turning 2 in April or if it is the transition still from having Tanner join the family, or if he is just a hard kid. He is so stinkin' cute though that I have decided I will keep him. He also loves to snuggle so that is nice. Tanner is an absolute angel and I am so happy about that. He was doing 8 -9 hour stretches during the night for the last week and a half, until he got sick. Poor guy. All of my kids are sick with a horrible cough and runny nose, but I didn't think it was anything more than a cold until today when I went to the doctor and she said Eliza has a "raging" ear infection and what she thinks is walking pneumonia. Fun! That's just what you want to hear when your 2 month old has a bad cough. The doctor put Tanner on antibiotics with Eliza just to eliminate that risk. If it is viral though it will do no good and I'll just have to watch to be sure he doesn't get more serious. I thought life was stressful when my kids were healthy. Now, getting ready to sell, I have given up stressing and I am just trying to keep my head above water. I know I don't have it as bad as others and I am trying to remember that and count my blessings. So instead of sleeping I am up blogging. What's wrong with me? (I'll have to update later about Tanner's blessing, his first smiles, and Nathan's sign language. All fun and cute things, but I don't have the time to do it now, I'm loosing sleep.)

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

T- Just playing catch-up on your blog here. Sounds like life is CRAZY! You have my sympathies! You are amazing just to be keeping your head above water...strike that. You are amazing because you're still kicking, head above water or not! I'm so glad to hear that your dad is coming to help. Sick kids (Heck! Even just one kinda sick kid) take so much energy. I can't imagine trying to get a house ready to sell in the middle of that. I'll keep you in my prayers, and I'll be praying from your kiddos to get better.

p.s. Super cute Tanner in his blessing suit. The parallel with daddy is awesome.