Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ely Here We Come!

Nathaniel got a job offer yesterday from Ely, Nevada! We are so excited to have this opportunity and join the 4,000 residents of Ely. I miss small town life and am happy to introduce my children to it. Nathaniel will be doing a year long judicial clerkship and he is excited about it. What a relief this is for us. Life is just really great right now. A healthy perfect baby and a job for my husband. It's been a good week!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Whole Story

I am telling this for my own journal, so keep that in mind. I went into the doctor on Monday Jan. 11th (at 38 1/2 weeks) and she said I was only at 1 1/2 cm and 50% effaced so I was a bit disappointed since my last 2 pregnancies I was at a 4 by that point. She stripped my membranes and I went home a little bummed. When I got home I talked to Nathaniel about being induced so that way we could plan on having his sister Elizabeth come down from Mesa to help us out with the kids. We set up a time for Friday the 15th, but didn't tell anyone other than family in case they got slammed at the hospital and they had to cancel. On Tuesday I started having a few slightly painful braxton hicks. Wed. I was having contraction that were stronger than the day before and more frequent, but still nothing that caused me to believe it was real. I had about 5 through the night but still just thought it was natures way of paying me back for asking my sister-in-law Christina to wait 3 days after contractions started to have her baby on my birthday. (Which worked by the way.) On Thursday I was having contractions every 10 to 20 minutes all day and they were painful, but not to the point where I thought it was really labor until about 7 that night. They were getting closer together and a little more intense. Elizabeth was set to get here by 9 the next morning since I was going to go in to the hospital at 7:30 for the induction. I didn't figure things would be too intense for me by that time and that way she wouldn't have to get up so early in the morning to drive down. By 1:40 in the morning I knew it was real labor and woke Nathaniel up and told him that I wouldn't be able to wait until 9 in the morning to have him with me at the hospital since the baby was going to be here by then. We gave up on sleep since the contractions were 5-6 minutes apart. I knew it wasn't quite time to leave yet so we waited out in the living room and I rested on the couch while Nathaniel read nearby. By about 4 in the morning we called my friend, Lori, to come and sit with the kids until Elizabeth could get them from her. We got to the hospital by around 4:30 in the morning. I was almost at a 6 and the nurse told me I would be staying and that they had 2 nurses call in sick and that I would have had my induction cancelled due to shortage of staff. Good thing I was in true labor since we had help coming that day. I told them I wanted an epidural and she said she would tell them right away so I could rest a little before the baby came. I was debating whether to get the epidural or not since I have done it both ways and have found benefits with each approach. I was so tired at that point that I decided I wouldn't mind getting it. Well, after they moved me to the delivery room it took them forever to get things moving. After waiting for 2 hours for the epidural and having them tell me repeatedly that he would, "be here any minute, hon" I was getting frustrated. I asked the nurse to check me at about 6:30 and she said, "Oh, hon, you are complete. You have been sitting here so quiet and you're at a 10." I knew it must be pretty close since the contractions were getting harder to relax through and I was relying on Nathaniel more for support and comfort. I always find it relaxes me to have him squeeze my hand really hard during a contraction. He also would put his hand on my shoulder and apply pressure which helped as well. (Weird I know, but hey, you go with what works!) The doctor came in and said I could either have my water broken now and then deliver naturally or I could wait and have the epidural and when that kicked in have my water broken. I decided it wasn't worth getting the epidural when my deliveries have never been more than 10 to 20 minutes of pushing. It seems like a waste to get the epidural since I was already at a 10 and I wouldn't be getting the break I wanted from the contractions. I decided just to do it naturally. The baby was still high so the doctor went upstairs to check on his other patients and said to call him when it was time. I tried a couple of different pushing positions. I tried the normal one, on my left side (which just really hurt), and then they got the bar and had me squat. I didn't know anyone really used that position. I have seen and read about it in the pregnancy books, but always thought it was a little outlandish and that it was only really used in home births since no one was around to see how awkward it was. It is exactly that. I felt so caveman-ish squatting like that. There was a nurse that came in with a paramedic and asked if they could watch the birth. I said, "I would really rather not." I didn't want anyone to see me like that. I was tempted to grant Nathaniel's wish of not having to witness the delivery and let him leave, but I needed his support. I didn't even want him to see me like that. But I was willing to try anything since the baby wasn't descending and I was getting discouraged. After an hour of pushing the baby made a quick shift downward and another push and his head was out. The nurse was the only one in the room with us and you could see the look of panic in her eyes. She said, "I need you to stop pushing. Can you please not push!?" I told her I couldn't stop. She ran for the phone which was only a few steps away and said she needed help NOW and to get the doctor in there. I was still pushing as she was away and hoping that if needed my husband would catch the baby (it would have been a nightmare come true for him). The nurse ran back and told me she needed me to lean back so the baby had room to come out. Nathaniel had to push me backwards since I was not responding to what she had asked. At that point, the head is out and you are in some pretty crazy intense pain and there is nothing you focus on other than getting the rest of the baby out so you can be free of the excruciating pain. After what seemed like a long time (really just a few pushes later) his shoulders were out and I was quietly begging them to "please get him out". I think the doctor came in around this point but he had to get gloves on and what not so he just delivered the placenta. Tanner was born at 7:32 and weighed 8 lbs 3 oz. and was 20 inches long. I love the feeling right after the baby is delivered and you feel the pressure relieved, you finally get to relax, and they lay your new baby on your chest and you finally get to meet the little person you have carried for nine months. It is always this perfect moment when you get to hold them for the first time and you feel like they have been a part of you and your family forever.
The hospital stay was not enjoyable and so I left as soon as I could. That turned out to be Sat. at 11:45. I was happy to be home. It was a little crazy with the other kids trying to see him and hold him. Trying to nurse him was a joke. I couldn't even find his head with the other kids heads in the way kissing him and watching what was going on. I was relieved when Nana called and asked if they could steal the kids for the week. I felt a little guilty pawning them off when it was supposed to be family togetherness time, but I don't know how I could have done it without Nana and Papa and Aunt Nancy's help from Yuma (Nancy was a real trooper since she was due in just a few weeks and possibly delivering any day). You guys saved me!

Monday, January 18, 2010

He's Here!!!

Tanner Joseph Sorenson arrived on Friday, January 15th at 7:32 a.m. He weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 20 inches long. He is absolutely perfect and we couldn't be more in love with him!
A father and son moment. No one under 13 was allowed in the hospital (family included) due to H1N1 so my kids couldn't come and meet him there. I always love to get a mom and kids picture in the hospital, but it didn't happen this time.
Tanner with the blanket from aunt Breezer. He was very red for the first 2 days.
A quick picture before I left the hospital. I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. It was not my favorite experience. They were very slow to do everything so therefore I didn't get my epidural, the doctor wasn't there for the birth (the nurse delivered him), and I couldn't see my kids so I was ready to get home to say the least!
Eliza adoring her new little brother. The kids are all very in love with him. I think it is so cute. Kate shared her favorite shirt which she uses like a comfort blanket and Nathan who never tries to say anything was very quick to learn "baby". Nathan was also quick to throw him toys and try to feed him popcorn...just looking out for his "bubba" as he says (one time when he tried to say baby it came out bubba and I thought it was so cute).
A close up of him when he was 2 days old.
He was so cute in his little hat.
A rare moment when he was not in my arms. I can't help but hold him all day long and he doesn't like to be away from me, so for this week it works while the kids are at Nana and Papa' week will be interesting!
He likes to suck his thumb if he can find it...which isn't much yet. I think it is so cute though.
I'll have to tell more about the whole story when I get another minute, but he's awake and I just wanted to get pictures out for now.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas at Home

We spent a wonderful time at home this year. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. Eliza is at such a fun age. She gets so into the whole to do of Christmas. Every time she opened a present she would say, "This is just what I've always wanted!" or "This is the best present EVER!" It makes me feel so good when something you have worked so hard to try to make perfect comes out just right.
On Christmas Eve Nathaniel and I decided to start a few new traditions of our own. I took the girls to go see The Princess and the Frog. I was a bit disappointed, but they thought it was okay. They were just thrilled to go and see a real movie. All morning we told the girls we had a surprise for them and Eliza kept saying she hoped it was something princess. When we drove to the mall she said, "Are we going to the movie?" I didn't even know she knew the mall had a movie theater since we don't really go to the theater or the mall much (at all). We had a fun time at the movie while the boys wandered the mall. Later we decided that instead of the big traditional meal that the kids wouldn't be into anyway, we would have pizza. What a hit! That is going to be something we carry on in the future. It was so nice to not have all of the prep and then the clean up when it is just us (and let's be honest, my husband and kids prefer pizza). I just love Christmas Eve with all of the set up and excitement.
Christmas itself was so great. I got to relax more than I have in a while and if I do remember correctly, I stayed in my pajamas all day. That never happens! That's my idea of a great holiday!

The kids got this from Santa. He is so wise! He must have known we were about to have a baby and that I would need the kids to be entertained and out of my hair for a few moments a day. Gotta love that guy! It has been such a fun time for the kids. I have loved every second of it!
Nathan's favorite part of Christmas morning was the M & Ms in his stocking. I was a little reluctant to let him have them since he had just thrown up the night before, but hey, it was Christmas so I just threw down a sheet on the floor instead. That way if he did loose it I wouldn't have to scrub as much!
The girls loved the little plastic dollhouse that I found at a yard sale for $2. What a great buy!
The set up the night before. Simple and yet so fun. The kids just lit up when they saw it. Nathaniel's family always does the big box of cereal for each kid and my family does the small box in the stockings. I figured it was a tradition that we needed to uphold. Of course the kids loved it. How simple they are to please!
They opened their pajamas and slippers on Christmas Eve. I have always wanted to give my kids jammies on Christmas Eve, but never did because I was too cheap and didn't think they needed them. Well, this year they actually did need them so I had an excuse to get them. I made 4 pairs of pajamas for the girls (2 each). I have wanted to learn to sew but was waiting for someone to show me the ropes. I decided just to take on the project myself and was proud that I did such a good job. They were rather big since they didn't try them on before I gave them to them, but I have since fixed them to fit more appropriately. One of the pairs I made the girls look like a scrubs shirt that Nathaniel said would have probably fit me if I wasn't pregnant. Oh well, the girls like them and I learned something new. Nathan's are just from Costco. I loved how his chubby little legs looked like sausages in his tight little jammie pants. So cute! Too bad he only wore them for a few hours before they were puked on.


It wouldn't be Christmas here without Winterhaven! It's this part of town that goes all out when it comes to lights and decorations. I have never seen anything like it before. The kids love it and I feel like a kid when we go there. It is just magical! This year we went with Lindsay and Spencer Broderick, Lori, Aaron, Hallie, and Adelaide Grigg. The kids love Lindsay, she is so good with them. Hallie is one of their favorite pals. We were having such a good time but decided to cut the trip short since Eliza was saying her tummy hurt. I thought she just needed to use the bathroom. Nathan was getting tired anyway so we started heading out. Eliza was getting a ride on Daddy's shoulders and got down about half a minute before she puked three times all over the road. What a close call! That would have been a real downer! The first thing she said was, "At least Lindsay didn't see me throw up!" I was glad as well that it was just the family so she wasn't embarrassed. Later that night she threw up several more times and Kate joined in as well. It was a long night needless to say. Nathaniel felt really lousy for a day and a half too. I was lucky enough to have it pass me by so that I could take care of my little family. Nathan ended up throwing up Christmas Eve and then again a few days later. Kate gets into coughing fits that make her throw up. That has happened 3 times lately. Luckily, we are all doing just fine now and are healthy and happy!

It was such a nice night. We are loving this time of year and the beautiful weather it brings!

This is the Disney princess house. An obvious hit with the girls!
I tried to download a video of this one house that is just amazing with it's choreographed lights and water show. I took me 2 hours and then said that it couldn't complete downloading the video for some reason. What a waste. That's unfortunate because it really was amazing!

Following Grandpa's Footsteps

Grandpa, this is for you. We're getting him ready for an outing with you. There probably won't be quite as many hunting opportunities with you guys moving to Washington...oh, well, we have time! He still needs to grow a foot or two.

Not Your Normal December Activities

We enjoyed feeding the ducks and riding bikes during Dec. It was extra nice since Daddy was able to join us with his classes being over. This day at the park the ducks were particularly hungry and there were at least a hundred ducks that came flying in from all over the pond. Nathaniel and I always get a kick out of watching the birds fight over the bread. It was really fun. Then the kids decided it was equally fun to chase the birds...poor things.

The girls finally wanted to ride the two wheeler with the training wheels. They have always thought it was too big for them and never gave it a real try. They always fought over the red Dora bike. They were so proud of themselves when they figured out how the pedal the "big kid" bike. I was too. Nathan is really attached to the Dora bike and if the other kids try to ride it he usually gets pretty ticked off. We are lucky to have such a huge driveway for the kids to ride on. It's perfect.

Decorating for Christmas

The kids and I had a good time decorating for Christmas while Nathaniel had to be away with Scouts. Nathan was so excited about all of the lights. His new saying, "Wow!" was a favorite of mine. He doesn't say much (at all), but that he says with such enthusiasm. The kids had so much fun dancing to Christmas music. I just love this holiday with kids. I think they make the holiday. Everything around Christmas is more fun with kids. We went caroling for a ward activity and although it was poorly attended, the kids had such a good time.