Friday, September 4, 2009

Bubba's Getting a Buddy!

We had our ultrasound today and found out we are having a boy! When the technician told us I said, "Did you hear that? We are going to have a boy!" Bubba gave this sly chuckle as if to say, "I knew that, my partner in crime is on his way!" Eliza instantly said, "That's not fair!" She recovered quickly and on the way out when I gave her a hug and asked her if she was excited to get another baby brother she reluctantly said yes. I think she'll be in love with him as soon as she meets him. Kate kept saying, "I see the eyes!" Which she couldn't because that wasn't the part of the body being measured and examined, but it was cute that she was into it. I didn't care either way what we had, but as soon as she told us it was a boy it seemed perfect. I love that Eliza and Kate have each other and I am happy Nathan will have a buddy, too. Everything looks perfect and my date is still set for Jan. 22. Half way done, we are excited!


LoriAnn Grigg said...

Just think your family photos will be perfectly balanced. Too Cute!! Very excited for you.

Laurel said...

Woo-hoo!!! A buddy for my Juddy, too!