Thursday, September 3, 2009

Random Cute Pictures

This is when we were in Yuma at the new public pool. Nathaniel participated in an Alumni Swim Meet (that I will post about later) and we all went to watch. The kids were so cute so I snapped a few shots of the girls. Eliza is getting so big so fast. We had the missionaries over for dinner the other night and one asked how old Eliza was. We told him she was 4. He said, "She's 4? She talks like she's 9!"This one captures Kate well. She is such a sweet girl and I just want to squeeze her when I see how adorable she is in this picture.
This one also captures Bubba well lately. He is getting his molars in and has discovered how to throw a tantrum. I also had to post it because the white hair bow that is around his neck is hilarious. Nathan used to find it wherever it was and would put it on like a necklace. It was ALWAYS on him and he looks like a chip and dale dancer when he is only in his diaper and it was disturbing to Nathaniel. I thought it was really funny, but I ended up hiding it for Nathaniel's sake. He looks for headbands, string, or anything else that can go around his neck and puts them all on at once. Here he is with 4 random things he has found. The blue and white things are binoculars we made in preschool so I had to make him a pair, too.
My happy little helper. He is so cute. He put it on because he could pull it over his head and I was in the kitchen working so he wanted to be in there as well. He is like my shadow. I'm going to miss my little buddy when he gets over that stage.

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